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Amazon Lex

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Amazon Polly

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Amazon Lex vs Amazon Polly: What are the differences?


Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly are two services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that are used for building conversational interfaces and generating speech respectively. While both services have their own unique features and functionalities, there are several key differences between them.

  1. Language Processing vs Text-to-Speech Conversion: Amazon Lex is primarily focused on natural language processing and understanding. It enables developers to build chatbots and interactive voice response systems by processing user input, understanding its intent, and providing appropriate responses. On the other hand, Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech service that converts text into lifelike speech in multiple languages and voices. It allows developers to generate spoken content dynamically.

  2. Interactive Conversations vs One-way Communication: Amazon Lex allows developers to build interactive conversational interfaces where users can engage in back-and-forth conversations with the chatbot. It supports dialog management, slot filling, and context handling, enabling natural and interactive interactions. In contrast, Amazon Polly is a one-way communication service that converts text to speech, providing synthesized speech output without any interaction or conversation.

  3. Input Processing vs Output Generation: With Amazon Lex, the focus is on processing and understanding user input. It analyzes the user's intent, extracts relevant information, and performs actions based on that input. Amazon Lex can handle complex dialog flows, manage slots, and validate user responses. In contrast, Amazon Polly focuses solely on generating speech output from provided text. It does not process or interpret user input.

  4. Customizable Conversation Flows vs Predefined Speech: Amazon Lex provides developers with the flexibility to create highly customizable conversation flows. Developers can define the dialog structure, prompts, and responses based on their application requirements. It allows for dynamic interaction and context management. On the other hand, Amazon Polly provides predefined speech synthesis for the provided text without any customization options. It does not support user interaction or conversation flows.

  5. Use Cases: Amazon Lex is typically used for building conversational bots, interactive voice response systems, and voice-enabled applications. It can be integrated with various platforms, messaging services, and voice-enabled devices. On the other hand, Amazon Polly is used for generating speech output in applications like audiobooks, voiceovers, accessibility features, call center automation, and IoT devices. It can be used to enhance user experiences by delivering synthesized speech.

  6. Pricing Model: The pricing models for Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly differ. Amazon Lex is billed primarily based on the number of text or voice requests processed, along with additional charges for other features like speech recognition and natural language understanding. Amazon Polly pricing is based on the number of characters processed for speech synthesis, with separate pricing tiers for different types of voices.

In Summary, Amazon Lex is focused on natural language processing and building conversational interfaces with customizable conversation flows, while Amazon Polly is solely focused on converting text into lifelike speech output without any user interaction or conversation capabilities.

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Pros of Amazon Lex
Pros of Amazon Polly
  • 9
    Easy console
  • 6
    Built in chat to test your model
  • 2
    Great voice
  • 2
    Easy integration
  • 1
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    Cons of Amazon Lex
    Cons of Amazon Polly
    • 6
      English only
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      What is Amazon Lex?

      Lex provides the advanced deep learning functionalities of automatic speech recognition (ASR) for converting speech to text, and natural language understanding (NLU) to recognize the intent of the text, to enable you to build applications with highly engaging user experiences and lifelike conversational interactions.

      What is Amazon Polly?

      Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech. Polly lets you create applications that talk, enabling you to build entirely new categories of speech-enabled products. Polly is an Amazon AI service that uses advanced deep learning technologies to synthesize speech that sounds like a human voice.

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      What tools integrate with Amazon Polly?

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      What are some alternatives to Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly?
      Microsoft Bot Framework
      The Microsoft Bot Framework provides just what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
      IBM Watson
      It combines artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated analytical software for optimal performance as a "question answering" machine.
      It is a cloud-based voice service and the brain behind tens of millions of devices including the Echo family of devices, FireTV, Fire Tablet, and third-party devices. You can build voice experiences, or skills, that make everyday tasks faster, easier, and more delightful for customers.
      Give users new ways to interact with your product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational apps.
      Amazon Comprehend
      Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to discover insights from text. Amazon Comprehend provides Keyphrase Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Entity Recognition, Topic Modeling, and Language Detection APIs so you can easily integrate natural language processing into your applications.
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