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.NET vs CakePHP: What are the differences?

Key Differences between .NET and CakePHP


This Markdown provides a comparison of the key differences between the .NET framework and the CakePHP framework. .NET is a software framework developed by Microsoft that primarily runs on Microsoft Windows. On the other hand, CakePHP is an open-source web application framework written in PHP.

  1. Language Compatibility: The main difference between .NET and CakePHP is the programming language they use. .NET primarily uses C# (C Sharp), while CakePHP is based on PHP. C# is a statically-typed language developed by Microsoft, known for its strong type checking and extensive libraries. PHP, on the other hand, is a dynamically-typed scripting language specifically designed for web development.

  2. Platform Compatibility: Another major difference lies in their platform compatibility. .NET is predominantly designed for Windows operating systems, whereas CakePHP is cross-platform and can be used on various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes CakePHP a more versatile choice for developers who need to work with different platforms.

  3. Development Philosophy: The frameworks also differ in their development philosophy. .NET follows a more formal and structured approach, relying on object-oriented programming principles and frameworks. In contrast, CakePHP promotes rapid application development (RAD) using existing conventions and pre-built functionalities. This allows developers to build applications quickly without spending too much time on boilerplate code.

  4. Community and Support: The communities surrounding .NET and CakePHP also differ in terms of size and support. Being supported by Microsoft, .NET has a large and well-established community. This translates to extensive documentation, abundant online resources, and a vast array of third-party libraries. CakePHP, while not as extensive as .NET's community, does have a dedicated user base and a supportive community that provides resources and assistance.

  5. Ecosystem and Integration: The ecosystem of .NET and CakePHP also varies. With .NET, developers have access to a rich ecosystem of software development tools, such as Visual Studio, NuGet package manager, and Azure cloud services. This enables seamless integration with other Microsoft technologies. CakePHP, while not as extensive, offers a range of plugins, extensions, and packages that can be easily integrated into the framework, allowing developers to extend the functionality of their applications.

  6. Learning Curve: Finally, the learning curve for the two frameworks also differs. .NET, with its more formal and structured approach, may have a steeper learning curve for beginners. It requires a good understanding of object-oriented programming concepts and can be more complex to grasp initially. CakePHP, on the other hand, follows conventions and is relatively easier to learn, especially for developers with prior experience in PHP.

In summary, the key differences between .NET and CakePHP lie in the programming language compatibility, platform compatibility, development philosophy, community and support, ecosystem and integration, and the learning curve. These differences make each framework suitable for different use cases and preferences.

Advice on CakePHP and .NET
Bogdan Pop
Needs advice

Hello, I am trying to learn a backend framework besides Node.js. I am not sure what to pick between ASP.NET Core (C#) and Spring Boot (Java). Any advice, any suggestion is highly appreciated. I am planning to build only Web APIs (no desktop applications or something like that). One thing to mention is that I have no experience in Java or C#. I am trying to learn one of those 2 and stick to it.

UPDATE: The project I am trying to build is a SaaS using microservices that supports multi tenancy.

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Replies (3)
Dominik Liebler
Lead Software Engineer · | 9 upvotes · 60.7K views

I'd recommend to learn Spring as it is very widespread in the industry and provides a lot of easy integration into most of the common backend tech stacks. Rather than learning Java you could look into Kotlin. It's a very consistent, stable and well-thought language in my opinion and not as verbose as Java. Many problems can be solved with Kotlin in a clear and elegant way while also always having the option to use data structures and libs in JVM. It is also has a very good support in Spring.

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Why not pick Django or Flask (both Python)

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Lionel Cawood
Technical Team Lead at inTime Agile Logistics · | 3 upvotes · 31.1K views

I have worked in a Spring environment for many years and I still love working with it. Super quick to get a base application running and get coding, thanks to Spring Boot's easy and straight forward integration with Tomcat. However, I will try and answer this question from another perspective: look at topics such as popularity of the language, average statistics on community contribution to their repositories and hiring availability from companies. If you are going down the API route for backend, leverege on your experience in the Node world by looking into ExpressJS (or even NestJS). The JavaScript world is really excellerating at a lightning speed, and I could recommend exploring those worlds a bit more, should it be a comfort level for you. However, my biased answer is tryout Java, followed by Spring afterwards. No disrespect to any .NET developers out there, as there are a few topics in there which are fantastically implemented.

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Michael Feldhake
Developer at Fleet-Nomics · | 7 upvotes · 38.9K views
Needs advice

Hi all, I need to create a simple IoT interface application that connects the end device API with a GeoTab API. I am considering using Bubble due to its simple interface and configuration tools, but I fear it's too simple. We will want to add features and new devices as we grow - I was thinking of using CodeIgniter or CakePHP on a hosted site for the application. Must support JCOM encoding between the two APIs and there is no need for a separate interface as GeoTab already has one; we are just connecting and pushing data. Thoughts?

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Replies (1)
Jordan Lis
Co-Founder at Partunity · | 1 upvotes · 402 views

You should check out if you want to get plugged in with innovative tech startup ideas!

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Abhi ram
Needs advice
.NET Core.NET Core

Hey everyone, I am a backend developer who specializes in Java and Spring Boot having an experience of 4 years. And due to my shift in the project, now I need to deal with the .NET Core technology, as a Java developer before I need to know where to start in order to support the project and build REST API.

Can I get advice on how to move on to the new backend stack and what to learn and how to get hands-on with the .NET?

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Replies (3)
Aghogho Bernard
Lead Software Developer/Eng. at VOYD AB · | 7 upvotes · 33.1K views

IMHO I think it is the best framework to build software on. Since you are coming from Java, It should not be too difficult to adjust to C#. NET Core has come a long way. NET6 is just amazing. With the minimal API, REST API should be very easy work for starters. When you settle in, you can go more advanced.

Although this is dated - it provides you side by side comparison of syntax. Another cool read is -

Feel free to reach out if you need any assistance.

Welcome aboard

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Jason Starr
.NET Developer at Performance Systems Development · | 4 upvotes · 29.7K views

You will find that the transition from Java to C# is pretty smooth. Working with .NET has become much more intuitive and has a lot to offer. I highly recommend using Visual Studio as your IDE. It makes things much easier and is not too different than other IDEs like IntelliJ. There are also Visual Studio templates for web APIs that make it really easy to get up and running. Microsoft has good documentation and tutorials to help you get familiar with the technology. I would start there.

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.NET Core.NET Core

I would recommend that you become familiar with the C# language. J. Albahari's reference book is suitable for this. To learn rest api development, read Andrew Lock's book "Asp Net Core in Action"

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Entrepreneur at Oblong Digital Marketing & Ads · | 5 upvotes · 94.9K views
Needs advice

Hi everyone, I have a new venture project, we do frontend development mainly with Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and React. This project will run on a cloud platform and it will be a web platform with data analysis. At Backend, we can't decide which technology to continue with. We will necessarily use Python for data analysis and algorithms, but should the backend be written with Django or C# .NET, can I get your suggestions within the cloud platform? Price performance is our priority.

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Replies (2)
Miles Fawcett

If you are already committed to Python for the data analysis then it would make sense to use Django for the framework and stick with Python throughout. In general the fewer technologies you use (unless there is real justification) will improve process and long term costs.

All things being equal the fact you would not have less (likely no) licensing costs with a Python based solution will overall reduce your long term costs.

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If you will be doing data analysis and complex algorithms Django is best suited for this because of it' maturity and the huge communities providing lots of Python libraries for data analysis and more.

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Needs advice

I'm working in a university in the IT department where they are developing web Apps with a .NET framework, and I'm starting a master course with python (python programming, ML, AI, NLP, and Django). My manager doesn't mind using any technology. Please guide me. Should I go to learn .NET with Django or stick with Django? What is the best for the future?

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Replies (2)
Lukas Batteau

Since the course is in Python, a Python web framework seems like a logical choice. Django is a good option, but Flask and FastAPI are far more lightweight than Django, and great for quickly adding an API on top of your ML/NLP code. Django has its merits, especially the generated admin interface, but requires a lot of boilerplate code.

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Alvin Mites

The one thing I wouldn't do is mix the two, different structures and ideas for how to do things

Taking a class in python already? I'd lean to Django Want to learn a language that will carry forward to a good paying job .net

Python is an excellent language, though it's often being replaced with things like go which uses a similar syntax

Over time you're going to learn many languages if you want to be a great programmer spend your time with one and dive deep, learn what makes it shine and what the draw backs are grow proficient with it and then consider learning something different so you can compare

Early on learning a single language at depth is more important than tinkering with several or learning any specific language

Good luck

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Needs advice
CakePHPCakePHPIgnite UIIgnite UI

Hi, Which tool will you recommend:

I need to build a web application, oriented to small businesses, like a small ERP. It will have intensive use of Sql to access a PostgreSQL database. It has to be secure, as it will handle information on customers, sales, inventory.

If you think another tool will be better, please let that know.

Thanks a lot

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Replies (3)
Krunal Shah
Technical Lead at Infynno Solutions · | 5 upvotes · 65.6K views

Laravel and Postgres will be the better solutions you can add more like Redis for caching and React/Vue for the frontend.

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Spring BootSpring Boot

Check Spring, if security and reliability is needed along with Lots of Database , check Spring Data, spring web, spring security

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Ademir Mazer Junior
Tech Lead - Software Engineer at UEPG / DN42 · | 2 upvotes · 10K views

Laravel works well in this context, you can build a secure and fast ERP using it with postgresql and all Laravel environment like caching, queues, jobs. And for frontend if you need productiviness I would go with Livewire to help

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Decisions about CakePHP and .NET
Noe Osorio

Node Js have worked incredible great for me on every project I had. It is fast enough to support big and small apps, you do not have to worry about performance, because it is very capable of building a big REST API.

One advantage is that the learning curve is lower when you have used javascript on web browser as frontend, so, it is easy to migrate from Frontend to Backend with node.

Node Package Manager (NPM) has an incredible amount of packages from many developers, so you can use them on your project as you need them.

Code is easy to support, way different than Java Legacy code.

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Ing. Alvaro Rodríguez Scelza
Software Systems Engineer at Ripio · | 12 upvotes · 376.4K views

I was considering focusing on learning RoR and looking for a work that uses those techs.

After some investigation, I decided to stay with C# .NET:

  • It is more requested on job positions (7 to 1 in my personal searches average).

  • It's been around for longer.

  • it has better documentation and community.

  • One of Ruby advantages (its amazing community gems, that allows to quickly build parts of your systems by merely putting together third party components) gets quite complicated to use and maintain in huge applications, where building and reusing your own components may become a better approach.

  • Rail's front end support is starting to waver.

  • C# .NET code is far easier to understand, debug and maintain. Although certainly not easier to learn from scratch.

  • Though Rails has an excellent programming speed, C# tends to get the upper hand in long term projects.

I would avise to stick to rails when building small projects, and switching to C# for more long term ones.

Opinions are welcome!

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Ing. Alvaro Rodríguez Scelza
Software Systems Engineer at Ripio · | 9 upvotes · 499.7K views

Decided to change all my stack to microsoft technologies for they behave just great together. It is very easy to set up and deploy projects using visual studio and azure. Visual studio is also an amazing IDE, if not the best, when used for C#, it allows you to work in every aspect of your software.

Visual studio templates for ASP.NET MVC are the best I've found compared to django, rails, laravel, and others.

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Pros of CakePHP
Pros of .NET
  • 35
    Open source
  • 25
    Really rapid framework
  • 19
    Good code organization
  • 13
  • 10
    Security best practices
  • 7
    Clean architecture
  • 5
  • 5
    Less code
  • 4
    Composer friendly
  • 4
    Convention Over Configuration
  • 2
    CakePhp Book
  • 2
    Cake Bake
  • 2
    Built-in Validation
  • 1
    Ctp view File extension
  • 1
    CakePhp inflector
  • 1
    Quickly develop
  • 1
    Rest Full Apis
  • 272
    Tight integration with visual studio
  • 261
    Stable code
  • 190
    Great community
  • 182
    Reliable and strongly typed server side language.
  • 140
  • 119
    Fantastic documentation
  • 89
    Great 3rd party libraries
  • 80
  • 71
    Great azure integration
  • 63
    Great support
  • 34
    Highly productive
  • 34
  • 34
  • 31
    High Performance
  • 28
    Great programming languages (C#, VB)
  • 26
    Open source
  • 19
    Powerful Web application framework (ASP.NET MVC)
  • 16
  • 16
    Clean markup with razor
  • 15
    Powerful ORM (EntityFramework)
  • 14
    Dependency injection
  • 10
    Visual studio + Resharper = <3
  • 10
    Constantly improving to keep up with new trends
  • 9
  • 8
  • 8
  • 7
    Job opportunities
  • 7
    Integrated and Reliable
  • 7
    Huge ecosystem and communities
  • 6
  • 6
  • 5
    {get; set;}
  • 5
  • 5
  • 4
  • 4
    Support and SImplicity
  • 4
    Default Debuging tools
  • 4
  • 4
    Useful IoC
  • 4
    Entity framework
  • 3
    Nuget package manager
  • 3
  • 2

Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

Cons of CakePHP
Cons of .NET
  • 1
    Robust Baking Tool
  • 1
    Follows Good Programming Practices
  • 13
  • 12
    Too expensive to deploy and maintain
  • 8
    Microsoft dependable systems
  • 8
    Microsoft itself
  • 5
    Hard learning curve
  • 3
    Tight integration with visual studio
  • 3
    Not have a full fledged visual studio for linux
  • 1
    Microsoft itself 🤡🥲

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

What is CakePHP?

It makes building web applications simpler, faster, while requiring less code. A modern PHP 7 framework offering a flexible database access layer and a powerful scaffolding system.

What is .NET?

.NET is a general purpose development platform. With .NET, you can use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to build native applications for web, mobile, desktop, gaming, and IoT for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and more.

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Blog Posts

What are some alternatives to CakePHP and .NET?
It is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.
CodeIgniter is a proven, agile & open PHP web application framework with a small footprint. It is powering the next generation of web apps.
The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family.
Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
See all alternatives