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CMake vs Pants: What are the differences?

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  1. Build System: CMake is a versatile cross-platform build system that generates build files based on the platform being used, providing flexibility in configuring and building projects. On the other hand, Pants is specifically designed for Python projects, focusing on optimizing the build process for Python codebases.

  2. Language Support: CMake supports a wide range of programming languages beyond Python, such as C, C++, and Java, making it suitable for multi-language projects. In contrast, Pants is tailored for Python projects and offers specialized tools and features optimized for Python development.

  3. Dependency Management: CMake relies on manual specification of dependencies using CMakeLists.txt files, requiring users to explicitly define dependencies between components. In contrast, Pants automates dependency management for Python projects by analyzing the codebase and automatically resolving dependencies, streamlining the build process.

  4. Configuration: CMake uses a CMake-specific syntax for configuring build settings, which may require users to learn a new configuration language. Pants, being focused on Python projects, provides intuitive configuration options that align with Python development practices, reducing the learning curve for users familiar with Python.

  5. Build Performance: CMake's performance can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the configuration of the build system, potentially leading to longer build times for large projects. Pants, optimized for Python projects, prioritizes build performance by utilizing caching mechanisms and dependency analysis to improve build times for Python codebases.

  6. Community Ecosystem: CMake has a large and diverse community with extensive resources, plugins, and community-maintained modules available for users to leverage. In comparison, Pants, being more specialized for Python projects, has a focused community that offers tailored support and resources specifically for Python development needs.

In Summary, CMake and Pants differ in their versatility, language support, dependency management, configuration, build performance, and community ecosystem, catering to diverse project requirements and developer preferences.
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Pros of CMake
Pros of Pants
  • 1
    Has package registry
  • 6
    Creates deployable packages
  • 4
    Runs on Linux
  • 4
    Runs on OS X
  • 4
    BUILD files
  • 4
    Runs tests
  • 4
  • 2
  • 2

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What is CMake?

It is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of the user's choice.

What is Pants?

Pants is a build system for Java, Scala and Python. It works particularly well for a source code repository that contains many distinct projects.

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    Apache MesosApache AuroraPants+3
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