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CoffeeScript vs JRuby: What are the differences?
What is CoffeeScript? Unfancy JavaScript. CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath that awkward Java-esque patina, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.
What is JRuby? A high performance, stable, fully threaded Java implementation of the Ruby programming language. JRuby is the effort to recreate the Ruby ( interpreter in Java. The Java version is tightly integrated with Java to allow both to script any Java class and to embed the interpreter into any Java application. See the docs directory for more information.
CoffeeScript and JRuby belong to "Languages" category of the tech stack.
"Easy to read" is the top reason why over 197 developers like CoffeeScript, while over 7 developers mention "Java" as the leading cause for choosing JRuby.
CoffeeScript and JRuby are both open source tools. CoffeeScript with 15.2K GitHub stars and 1.99K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than JRuby with 3.32K GitHub stars and 830 GitHub forks.
Code School, Zaarly, and thoughtbot are some of the popular companies that use CoffeeScript, whereas JRuby is used by Groupon, Soundcloud, and Lookout. CoffeeScript has a broader approval, being mentioned in 364 company stacks & 170 developers stacks; compared to JRuby, which is listed in 13 company stacks and 4 developer stacks.
Pros of CoffeeScript
- Easy to read199
- Faster to write179
- Syntactic sugar126
- Readable104
- Elegant104
- Pretty73
- Javascript the good parts53
- Open source48
- Classes44
- "it's just javascript"35
- Compact code16
- Easy15
- Simple13
- Not Javascript13
- Does the same with less code2
- I'm jobs I'm software engineer1
Pros of JRuby
- Java8
- Faster than Ruby7
- Threads3
- JVM3
- Open source2
- Supports native Ruby gems out the box2
- Garbage collection built-in2
- Built-in Testing2
- Deploy as executable jay2
- Great community1
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Cons of CoffeeScript
- No ES63
- Corner cases in syntax1
- Parentheses required in 0-ary function calls1
- Unclear what will be grouped to {…}1