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C++ vs Elixir: What are the differences?
C++ and Elixir are two programming languages with distinct features and use cases. In this comparison, we will outline the key differences between the two languages.
- Memory Management:
C++ uses manual memory management, where developers are responsible for allocating and deallocating memory. This gives them precise control over memory usage but also increases the chances of memory leaks and segmentation faults. On the other hand, Elixir utilizes garbage collection, automatically managing memory allocation and deallocation. This makes Elixir more robust and less prone to memory-related errors.
- Concurrency Model:
C++ follows a thread-based concurrency model, where multiple threads can execute simultaneously to achieve parallelism. Developers have to synchronize threads using locks and other mechanisms to prevent race conditions. In contrast, Elixir adopts an actor-based concurrency model with lightweight processes called "actors." Actors communicate via message passing, eliminating the need for locks and making concurrency easier to handle.
- Language Paradigm:
C++ is a statically typed, multiparadigm programming language that supports procedural, object-oriented, and generic programming. It enables low-level control and efficient performance. On the contrary, Elixir is a dynamically typed, functional programming language built on the Erlang virtual machine. Elixir focuses on concurrency, fault tolerance, and ease of development with its functional programming approach.
- Scalability and Fault Tolerance:
C++ can be easily scaled vertically by leveraging the hardware resources of a single machine. However, it can be challenging to distribute C++ applications across multiple machines for horizontal scalability. In contrast, Elixir is designed with horizontal scalability in mind, thanks to its lightweight processes and built-in distribution capabilities. Additionally, Elixir has built-in fault tolerance mechanisms that can automatically recover from failures.
- Tooling and Libraries:
C++ has a vast ecosystem with numerous libraries and tools available for various domains and purposes. It has strong support for system-level programming, numerical computations, and embedded systems. On the other hand, Elixir, being a newer language, has a smaller ecosystem with libraries mainly focused on building scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems. Elixir also benefits from access to the rich library ecosystem of Erlang.
- Learning Curve and Community:
Learning C++ can be challenging due to its extensive features, complex syntax, and low-level concepts. It requires a deep understanding of memory management, pointers, and the C++ Standard Library. Elixir, on the other hand, has a relatively gentle learning curve with its simplified syntax and functional programming principles. Elixir also has a supportive and active community, particularly in the context of developing scalable and fault-tolerant systems.
In summary, C++ and Elixir differ in terms of memory management, concurrency models, language paradigms, scalability, fault tolerance, available tooling, and libraries. C++ provides more control and low-level performance optimizations, while Elixir emphasizes concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed systems.
include include int main(){ char name[10], pasword[10]; printf("enter you user name :"); gets(name); printf("enter your pasword : "); gets(pasword); printf("your name : %s \n your password : %s \n", name, pasword); if ( name != "youcef") { printf("name undefined\n"); } else { printf("finde name"); }
his not working
You will want to do a few things here. First, replace gets
with fgets
. Then, you're going to want to use strcmp
from string.h to compare the input with the desired result. The code listed below has been updated with a working example with the previously mentioned recommendations. This isn't perfect and there are other ways to accomplish the same task. Explore other options that are available when you have a chance and see if you can improve on this example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char name[10],
printf("enter you user name :");
// Use fgets as gets is insecure and can easily lead to buffer overflow exploits
fgets(name, sizeof(char) * sizeof(name), stdin);
// Remove \n from fgets stdin read with null character so as to not have to include
// in strcmp later.
name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0';
printf("enter your pasword : ");
fgets(pasword, sizeof(char) * sizeof(pasword), stdin);
printf("your name : %s \n your password : %s \n", name, pasword);
// If strcmp result > 0 || < 0 it's not a match
if (strcmp(name, "youcef") != 0)
printf("name undefined\n");
printf("finde name");
Dear, Yusuf You can't use if statement to compare two strings, but you can use strcmp() function which means string compare The behavior of strcmp function is: If (string1 < string2)? Then: return a negative value. If (string1 > string2)? Then: return a positive value.
If(string1 == string2)? Then: return (0).So, you can modify this statment to: if(strcmp(name,"Yousef") != 0) printf("name undefined\n");
else printf("find name");But, In this case there is one logic problem that (strcmp) function don't ignore the letter case. For example: If you input name : yousef
The first letter here (y) is small, but in the comparing statement above is capital, So the result will be "name undefined", but in fact "yousef" = "Yousef".To solve this problem you should use stracasecmp() function. This function ignore the letter case while comparing. The code will be: if(strcasecmp(name,"Yousef") != 0) printf("name undefined\n");
else printf("find name");Attention: Include string libreary after using these functions to skip any problem may be found.
includemay Allah bless you ^_^
Hello, I am interested in learning how to program. I am a beginner, and many articles saying I should go with Python if I am new to programming. I considered Lua a long time ago, but for my career, I believe major programming languages should be better for me. I'm considering Python at this moment, but if you have other tools I should use, let me know.
Although Lua is a very simple,efficient, elegant and welcoming language, Python is extremely versatile. Therefore, if you want to get into programming without a defined direction, Python is the way to go. It has a lot of libraries, the ability to do anything and it is closer to other languages than Lua is (yeah I know about Lua and C, but from a learner's point of view, it makes sense). Additionally, Python will be a marketable skill, but I for one have not yet seen job offers for Lua devs.
The language you choose is also dependant on the type of career / area of programming you wish to focus on: Web Based and mobile applicaitons I would lean towards Java, PC Applications I tend to like C#, Embedded industry C, C++
my advice , you should answer me for this question, what do you like to work: web base or mobile native or cross platform. if you like web base you should choose PHP or or Node.js or if you like mobile native you should decide Android or IOS platform and else if you like cross platfrom you should learn Flutter with dart language. thanks
Hi, I'm just starting to learn code, and I stumbled upon this website. I think I should learn JavaScript, Python, and C++ to begin with. I'm a quick learner so I am only worried about what would be more useful. Suppose my goal is to build an online clothing store or something. Then what languages would be best? I need advice. Please help me out. I'm 13 and just beginning and it's hard to understand when people use technical terms so please keep it simple. Thanks a lot.
Go with Python. It's syntax is really simple and less verbose compare to others. You can use Python for basically anything like web dev, task automation, data science, data engineering, cybersecurity etc. At initial level, it's more important to get an understanding of programming fundamentals. Once you get conformable with coding in general, then you can explore other languages.
I would worry less about languages when you're first starting out. If you want to build an online store, then javascript is a great language that is used all over the web! Get comfortable with your first language, learn some computer science concepts and how to build things the right way, and then just work towards a goal and learn as you go! is a great resource and it's completely free, everything you need to know to build a website is on that page if you have the drive to learn it. Best of luck to you!
Here's a neat roadmap too, in case you find yourself lost on what to learn next
I recommend JavaScript to build your first website, for both FrontEnd and BackEnd , even tho I am a BIG fan of C++ it is not well suited yet to create websites, and Python would be just as good for the BackEnd as JavaScript but having everything written in only one language will make your learning curve way easier, so it is easy to recommend JavaScript.
Python is an easy and beginner-friendly language. As you've mentioned about Online Clothing store, you'll need to deal with the website part and you'll need Javascript to make the site accessible and functional. Javascript will be more easy to learn if you learn Python first, so you can just start with Python.
Hello Rachel, as a fellow programmer, I am glad that you are planning on expanding your coding knowledge and skills.
I recommend learning python first as it has a very simple syntax (syntax is how your code looks and how simple it is to type) and is also very user-friendly. Once you get to know how to code in python, you can use this thing called Flask.
Flask is what you call a "web application framework" or a WAF, it basically is a tool used to develop websites and other similar things. You don't have to worry much about it's difficulty because it is based on python. You will still have to learn how to use Flask though as it could be a bit complicating in first glance.If you are looking for simpler ways for making website without having to learn a lot of programming, you can learn HTML and CSS. These 2 will help you in making a basic and functional website. The catch is, from a career perspective, HTML won't get you far, as literally every programmer knows it. So it is best to use programming languages.
I hope this gave you a clear understanding of the ways in which you can build websites. Wishing you the best of luck!
I have worked with all these a ton. I make ecommerce and enterprise apps now. The only one of these you need is JavaScript. You can use JS on the backend as Node.js in AWS Lambda. You will need HTML and CSS skills, as well as a database. I recommend MongoDB. Please forget about C++ until you built your first company. Python fits the same purpose as Node.js but is currently popular in the Data Science community so skip it until you have a LOT of customers.
Since you're new, I'd recommend Javascript and Python. With Javascript, just learn React and Node. And with Python, learn Django. With JavaScript, Node, React, Python, and Django; you can accomplish quite a lot for both frontend and backend.
Hi, When saying that "Suppose my goal is to build an online clothing store or something", I would go for a ready to use platform like Wordpress. it will give you a fast jump into the online world. By using WP you'll have to catch on with PHP\JQuery Goodluck.. Ping me when store is ready, I might buy something....
#rust #elixir So am creating a messenger with voice call capabilities app which the user signs up using phone number and so at first i wanted to use Actix so i learned Rust so i thought to myself because well its first i felt its a bit immature to use actix web even though some companies are using Rust but we cant really say the full potential of Rust in a full scale app for example in Discord both Elixir and Rust are used meaning there is equal need for them but for Elixir so many companies use it from Whatsapp, Wechat, etc and this means something for Rust is not ready to go full scale we cant assume all this possibilities when it come Rust. So i decided to go the Erlang way after alot of Thinking so Do you think i made the right decision?Am 19 year programmer so i assume am not experienced as you so your answer or comment would really valuable to me
Python has become the most popular language for machine learning right now since almost all machine learning tools provide service for this language, and it is really to use since it has many build-in objects like Hashtable. In C, you need to implement everything by yourself.
C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in graphics. It has many fancy libraries like eigen to help us process matrix. I have many previous projects about graphics based on C++ and this time, we also need to deal with graphics since we need to analyze movements of the human body. C++ has much more advantages than Java. C++ uses only compiler, whereas Java uses compiler and interpreter in both. C++ supports both operator overloading and method overloading whereas Java only supports method overloading. C++ supports manual object management with the help of new and delete keywords whereas Java has built-in automatic garbage collection.
We have a lot of experience in JavaScript, writing our services in NodeJS allows developers to transition to the back end without any friction, without having to learn a new language. There is also the option to write services in TypeScript, which adds an expressive type layer. The semi-shared ecosystem between front and back end is nice as well, though specifically NodeJS libraries sometimes suffer in quality, compared to other major languages.
As for why we didn't pick the other languages, most of it comes down to "personal preference" and historically grown code bases, but let's do some post-hoc deduction:
Go is a practical choice, reasonably easy to learn, but until we find performance issues with our NodeJS stack, there is simply no reason to switch. The benefits of using NodeJS so far outweigh those of picking Go. This might change in the future.
PHP is a language we're still using in big parts of our system, and are still sometimes writing new code in. Modern PHP has fixed some of its issues, and probably has the fastest development cycle time, but it suffers around modelling complex asynchronous tasks, and (on a personal note) lack of support for writing in a functional style.
We don't use Python, Elixir or Ruby, mostly because of personal preference and for historic reasons.
Rust, though I personally love and use it in my projects, would require us to specifically hire for that, as the learning curve is quite steep. Its web ecosystem is OK by now (see, but in my opinion, it is still no where near that of the other web languages. In other words, we are not willing to pay the price for playing this innovation card.
Haskell, as with Rust, I personally adore, but is simply too esoteric for us. There are problem domains where it shines, ours is not one of them.
As a personal research project I wanted to add post-quantum crypto KEM (key encapsulation) algorithms and new symmetric crypto session algorithms to openssh. I found the openssh code and its channel/context management extremely complex.
Concurrently, I was learning Go. It occurred to me that Go's excellent standard library, including crypto libraries, plus its much safer memory model and string/buffer handling would be better suited to a secure remote shell solution. So I started from scratch, writing a clean-room Go-based solution, without regard for ssh compatibility. Interactive and token-based login, secure copy and tunnels.
Of course, it needs a proper security audit for side channel attacks, protocol vulnerabilities and so on -- but I was impressed by how much simpler a client-server application with crypto and complex terminal handling was in Go.
$ sloc openssh-portable Languages Files Code Comment Blank Total CodeLns Total 502 112982 14327 15705 143014 100.0% C 389 105938 13349 14416 133703 93.5% Shell 92 6118 937 1129 8184 5.7% Make 16 468 37 131 636 0.4% AWK 1 363 0 7 370 0.3% C++ 3 79 4 18 101 0.1% Conf 1 16 0 4 20 0.0% $ sloc xs Languages Files Code Comment Blank Total CodeLns Total 34 3658 1231 655 5544 100.0% Go 19 3230 1199 507 4936 89.0% Markdown 2 181 0 76 257 4.6% Make 7 148 4 50 202 3.6% YAML 1 39 0 5 44 0.8% Text 1 30 0 7 37 0.7% Modula 1 16 0 2 18 0.3% Shell 3 14 28 8 50 0.9%
Pros of C++
- Performance202
- Control over memory allocation107
- Cross-platform98
- Fast97
- Object oriented84
- Industry standard58
- Smart pointers47
- Templates37
- Gui toolkits16
- Raii16
- Generic programming13
- Control13
- Flexibility13
- Metaprogramming11
- Hardcore9
- Many large libraries5
- Simple5
- Full-fledged containers/collections API5
- Large number of Libraries4
- Performant multi-paradigm language4
- Way too complicated3
- Close to Reality1
- Plenty of useful features1
Pros of Elixir
- Concurrency174
- Functional162
- Erlang vm133
- Great documentation113
- Great tooling105
- Immutable data structures87
- Open source81
- Pattern-matching77
- Easy to get started62
- Actor library59
- Functional with a neat syntax32
- Ruby inspired29
- Erlang evolved25
- Homoiconic24
- Beauty of Ruby, Speed of Erlang/C22
- Fault Tolerant17
- Simple14
- High Performance13
- Doc as first class citizen11
- Good lang11
- Pipe Operator11
- Stinkin' fast, no memory leaks, easy on the eyes9
- Fun to write9
- OTP8
- Resilient to failure8
- GenServer takes the guesswork out of background work6
- Pattern matching4
- Not Swift4
- Idempotence4
- Fast, Concurrent with clean error messages4
- Easy to use3
- Dynamic Typing2
- Error isolation2
Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions
Cons of C++
- Slow compilation8
- Unsafe8
- Over-complicated6
- Fragile ABI6
- No standard/mainstream dependency management5
- Templates mess with compilation units4
- Too low level for most tasks3
- Compile time features are a mess1
- Template metaprogramming is insane1
- Segfaults1
- Unreal engine1
Cons of Elixir
- Fewer jobs for Elixir experts11
- Smaller userbase than other mainstream languages7
- Elixir's dot notation less readable ("object": 1st arg)5
- Dynamic typing4
- Difficult to understand2
- Not a lot of learning books available1