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Generact vs Glamorous: What are the differences?
What is Generact? Generate React components by replicating your own. Tool for generating React components by replicating your own It's intended to work no matter how your file structure is..
What is Glamorous? Maintainable CSS with React. Glamorous is React component styling solved with an elegant (inspired) API, small footprint (<5kb gzipped), and great performance (via glamor). It has a very similar API to styled-components and uses similar tools under the hood (glamor).
Generact and Glamorous can be categorized as "JavaScript Framework Components" tools.
Generact and Glamorous are both open source tools. Glamorous with 3.74K GitHub stars and 282 forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than Generact with 1.27K GitHub stars and 54 GitHub forks.