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Kong vs Ocelot: What are the differences?

Kong and Ocelot are API gateway solutions designed to manage and secure microservices architectures. Let's explore the key differences between them.

  1. Authentication and Authorization: Kong offers a wide range of authentication and authorization methods, including OAuth, JWT, HMAC, and Key Authentication. Ocelot, on the other hand, primarily focuses on providing JWT authentication and does not have native support for other authentication methods.

  2. Routing and Load Balancing: Kong excels in advanced routing capabilities with support for path-based routing, request/response transformation, and dynamic load balancing using various algorithms. Ocelot, while having basic routing capabilities, lacks some of the advanced features available in Kong, making it more suitable for simpler routing scenarios.

  3. Plugin Ecosystem: Kong provides a rich plugin ecosystem that allows for extensive customization and features like rate limiting, logging, caching, and request/response modifying. Ocelot has a limited set of plugins available and lacks some of the advanced functionality provided by Kong's extensive plugin ecosystem.

  4. Performance and Scalability: Kong is known for its high-performance architecture, designed to handle a large number of requests and scale horizontally. Ocelot, while being performant, may not scale as well as Kong in high-traffic scenarios due to its architecture limitations.

  5. Service Discovery and Configuration: Kong offers integration with multiple service discovery tools like Consul, etcd, and ZooKeeper, making it easier to configure and manage microservices. Ocelot, on the other hand, relies on manual configuration or limited integrations, making it less flexible in dynamic service environments.

  6. Community and Support: Kong has a strong community and is backed by a commercial company, providing extensive documentation, support, and regular updates. Ocelot has a smaller community and limited support options, making it less suitable for enterprise-level projects requiring robust support and maintenance.

In summary, Kong offers a comprehensive set of features, advanced routing capabilities, extensive authentication and authorization options, and a rich plugin ecosystem, making it a powerful API gateway solution. Ocelot, while being suitable for simpler routing scenarios and offering JWT authentication, may lack some of the advanced features and scalability capabilities provided by Kong.

Decisions about Kong and Ocelot
Prateek Mittal
Fullstack Engineer| Ruby | React JS | gRPC at Ex Bookmyshow | Furlenco | Shopmatic · | 4 upvotes · 291.4K views

Istio based on powerful Envoy whereas Kong based on Nginx. Istio is K8S native as well it's actively developed when k8s was successfully accepted with production-ready apps whereas Kong slowly migrated to start leveraging K8s. Istio has an inbuilt turn-keyIstio based on powerful Envoy whereas Kong based on Nginx. Istio is K8S native as well it's actively developed when k8s was successfully accepted with production-ready apps whereas Kong slowly migrated to start leveraging K8s. Istio has an inbuilt turn key solution with Rancher whereas Kong completely lacks here. Traffic distribution in Istio can be done via canary, a/b, shadowing, HTTP headers, ACL, whitelist whereas in Kong it's limited to canary, ACL, blue-green, proxy caching. Istio has amazing community support which is visible via Github stars or releases when comparing both.

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Pros of Kong
Pros of Ocelot
  • 37
    Easy to maintain
  • 32
    Easy to install
  • 26
  • 21
    Great performance
  • 7
    Api blueprint
  • 4
    Custom Plugins
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
    Has a good plugin infrastructure
  • 2
  • 1
    Load balancing
  • 1
    Documentation is clear
  • 1
    Very customizable
  • 1
    Straightforward documentation
  • 1
    Simple configuration

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What is Kong?

Kong is a scalable, open source API Layer (also known as an API Gateway, or API Middleware). Kong controls layer 4 and 7 traffic and is extended through Plugins, which provide extra functionality and services beyond the core platform.

What is Ocelot?

It is aimed at people using .NET running a micro services / service oriented architecture that need a unified point of entry into their system. However it will work with anything that speaks HTTP and run on any platform that ASP.NET Core supports. It manipulates the HttpRequest object into a state specified by its configuration until it reaches a request builder middleware where it creates a HttpRequestMessage object which is used to make a request to a downstream service.

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What are some alternatives to Kong and Ocelot?
API management, design, analytics, and security are at the heart of modern digital architecture. The Apigee intelligent API platform is a complete solution for moving business to the digital world.
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management.
Map services to arbitrary URLs in a single, declarative YAML file. Configure routes with CORS support, circuit breakers, timeouts, and more. Replace your Kubernetes ingress controller. Route gRPC, WebSockets, or HTTP.
Azure API Management
Today's innovative enterprises are adopting API architectures to accelerate growth. Streamline your work across hybrid and multi-cloud environments with a single place for managing all your APIs.
Tyk Cloud
Tyk is a leading Open Source API Gateway and Management Platform, featuring an API gateway, analytics, developer portal and dashboard. We power billions of transactions for thousands of innovative organisations.
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