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OpenVPN vs Openswan: What are the differences?


In this article, we will explore the key differences between OpenVPN and Openswan. Both OpenVPN and Openswan are virtual private network (VPN) software that provide secure and encrypted connections over the internet. However, there are several important differences between these two VPN solutions that we will discuss below.

  1. Protocol support: OpenVPN uses the secure and widely adopted SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol to establish VPN connections. On the other hand, Openswan primarily relies on the IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) protocol suite to create secure VPN tunnels.

  2. Flexibility: OpenVPN is known for its flexibility and versatility. It can operate over various network protocols such as UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), making it suitable for different types of environments. Openswan, on the other hand, is more restricted in terms of protocol options and is primarily designed for IPsec-based VPNs.

  3. Ease of setup: OpenVPN typically has a simpler and easier setup process compared to Openswan. It provides user-friendly configuration options and has a wide range of GUI (Graphical User Interface) tools available for configuration and management. Openswan, in contrast, often requires more technical expertise to set up and configure, as it primarily relies on command-line tools and manual configurations.

  4. Portability: OpenVPN is known for its cross-platform compatibility, supporting various operating systems including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile platforms. It can be easily deployed on a wide range of devices, making it more versatile. On the other hand, Openswan primarily targets Linux-based systems and may require additional steps to enable compatibility with other operating systems.

  5. Performance: OpenVPN is generally regarded as having better performance than Openswan in terms of speed and efficiency. This is primarily due to OpenVPN's use of the UDP protocol by default, which provides faster data transmission for real-time applications. Openswan, being primarily based on IPsec, can suffer from higher overheads, especially when using the TCP protocol for VPN connections.

  6. Community support and development: OpenVPN has a large and active community of users and developers, providing regular updates, bug fixes, and security patches. The extensive community support ensures a stable and evolving VPN solution. Openswan, although still actively maintained, has a smaller community compared to OpenVPN and may have fewer resources and updates available.

In summary, OpenVPN and Openswan are both VPN solutions but differ in various aspects such as protocol support, flexibility, ease of setup, portability, performance, and community support. These differences make them suitable for different use cases and environments.

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What is Openswan?

It is an IPsec implementation for Linux. It has support for most of the extensions (RFC + IETF drafts) related to IPsec, including IKEv2, X.509 Digital Certificates, NAT Traversal, and many others.

What is OpenVPN?

It provides flexible VPN solutions to secure your data communications, whether it's for Internet privacy, remote access for employees, securing IoT, or for networking Cloud data centers. Our VPN Server software solution can be deployed on-premises using standard servers or virtual appliances, or on the cloud.

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