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Pullstate vs Redux: What are the differences?

Key Differences Between Pullstate and Redux

1. State Management Approach: Pullstate uses a pull-based state management approach, where components explicitly request the data they need from a global state container. On the other hand, Redux follows a push-based approach, where components are subscribed to the store and receive updates when the store's state changes.

2. Code Size and Complexity: Pullstate is designed to be lightweight and has a smaller codebase compared to Redux. It offers a simpler API and requires fewer boilerplate code, making it easier to understand and maintain. Redux, on the other hand, has a larger codebase and requires more setup and configuration, which can increase the complexity of the application.

3. Rendering Performance: Pullstate provides optimized rendering performance by using immutable data structures and granular reactivity. It leverages the underlying JavaScript engine's efficient change detection mechanisms and only updates the affected components when the state changes. Redux, on the other hand, relies on shallow comparisons to detect changes in the state, which can lead to unnecessary re-renders of components.

4. Asynchronous Actions: Pullstate has built-in support for handling asynchronous actions without the need for additional middleware. It offers an easy-to-use API for performing asynchronous operations and updating the state accordingly. Redux, on the other hand, requires the use of middleware, such as Redux Thunk or Redux Saga, to handle async actions, which adds extra complexity to the codebase.

5. Integration with React: Pullstate has a tight integration with React and provides hooks, such as usePullstate and useReference, to easily access and manage the global state in functional components. It also supports fine-grained reactivity with React's useEffect hook. Redux, on the other hand, requires the use of higher-order components (HOCs) or the connect function to connect components to the store, which can be cumbersome and less intuitive.

6. Community and Ecosystem: Redux has a larger and more mature community with a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. It has been widely adopted in the industry and has extensive documentation and community support. Pullstate, being a newer library, has a smaller community and fewer third-party resources available.

In Summary, Pullstate and Redux differ in their state management approach, code size and complexity, rendering performance, handling of asynchronous actions, integration with React, and the size of the community and ecosystem.

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Pros of Pullstate
Pros of Redux
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 191
      State is predictable
    • 150
      Plays well with React and others
    • 126
      State stored in a single object tree
    • 79
      Hot reloading out of the box
    • 74
      Allows for time travel
    • 14
      You can log everything
    • 12
      Great tutorial direct from the creator
    • 7
      Endorsed by the creator of Flux
    • 7
      Test without browser
    • 6
      Easy to debug
    • 3
      Enforces one-way data flow
    • 3
      Granular updates
    • 2

    Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

    Cons of Pullstate
    Cons of Redux
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 13
        Lots of boilerplate
      • 6
      • 5
        Steep learning curve
      • 5
      • 4
        Steeper learning curve than RxJs
      • 4
        Steeper learning curve than MobX

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is Pullstate?

      Originally inspired by the now seemingly abandoned library - bey. Although substantially different now - with Server-side rendering and Async Actions built in.

      What is Redux?

      It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. t provides a great experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger.

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      Oct 11 2019 at 2:36PM


      What are some alternatives to Pullstate and Redux?
      JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
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      GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
      Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for its elegant syntax and readable code, if you are just beginning your programming career python suits you best.
      jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
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