Jong Hyuck Lim
0 points

Tools stargt is Following

Shortcut combines a simple, modern UI with enterprise-grade tools, allowing technology companies to plan an...
Keep your pull requests automatically up-to-date and resolve your pull requests' conflicts directly from Gi...
Graphene is a Python library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast and easily.
RestDB is a NoSql document oriented database cloud service. Data is accessed as JSON objects via HTTPS. Thi...
Hublin is a free and open source video conference solution built with love and designed with ethics in min...
Monaco Editor
The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. It is licensed under the MIT License and supports...
PHPixie is easy to learn and does not rely on automagic. PHPixie will fit both newcomers and experienced ar...
Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. Our goal is to create a browser based editor that ma...
An open source collaborative code and text editor. Share documents and see changes occur in real-time.
Elassandra is a fork of Elasticsearch modified to run on top of Apache Cassandra in a scalable and resilien...
LeanLabs Kanban
Leanlabs kanban is built from the ground up using the GitLab public API. Kanban issues are GitLab issues, y...
Marp is the simplest presentation writer with Markdown.
Combining automated deployment, instant hosting and collaborative editing, Gomix gets you straight to codin...
Noms is a new database that makes it easy to store, move, and collaborate on large-scale structured data. N...
React Server
React-server is a framework designed to make universal (née isomorphic) React easier to write, providing st...
Pusher Mobile Pu...
Send push notifications to iOS and Android devices through one unified Push Notifications API for Google Cl...
A powerful and efficient Javascript framework that helps you build great apps. It is the fastest way to wri...
BuntDB is a low-level, in-memory, key/value store in pure Go. It persists to disk, is ACID compliant, and u...