Suhas Patil
3 points

Tools suhaspatil29 is Following

Bitbucket gives teams one place to plan projects, collaborate on code, test and deploy, all with free priva...
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it prov...
GitHub Pages
Public webpages hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.
Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for it...
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
Visual Studio
Visual Studio is a suite of component-based software development tools and other technologies for building ...
PyCharm’s smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, ...
Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's built and ru...
It is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent confi...
An easy to use email app that saves you time and keeps your messages safe. Get your messages instantly via ...
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of wh...
The GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Toolchain (Binutils, GDB, GLIBC)
Visual Studio Code
Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform - L...