Recent Tech Decisions
71 points


  • Apache Maven

    theskyinflames Current stack

    JEE application development cycle management.

  • Spring

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Java entreprise application/microservices developement (DI, IoC, SpringBoot, SpringData)

  • Jenkins

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Delivery/Deploy system.

  • Redis

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Key/Value store used as NoSQL data source. It also is used as a cache system.

  • Kafka

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Used as a integration middleware by messaging interchanging.

  • Git

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Distributed code repository.

  • CoreOS

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Os to run Docker containers.

  • GitHub

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Code repository.

  • etcd

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Set envrionment variables for Docker containers's apps.

  • Nagios

    theskyinflames Current stack

    System, apps, monitoring.

  • Markdown

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Project documentation.

  • Scala

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Used to build a wrap over Gatling to automate the stress testing.

  • Gatling

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Stress loading testing tool.

  • Docker

    theskyinflames Current stack

    System isolation, and SaaS based on cloud solutions.

  • Ruby

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Fun programming, basically. I don't like RoR stack. I prefer pure Ruby App + Rack + (Sinatra/Camping framework)

  • Golang

    theskyinflames Current stack

    High performance backoffice integration systems, with more than 70 millions of dayly synchronizations and peaks over 100k synchronizations per minute.

  • Java

    theskyinflames Current stack

    Business logic microservices implementation. Integration against external systems via RESTful/SOAP.