Application and Data / Data Stores / Databases
Needs advice

I work for a firm that gave me the task to select a software stack that suits our needs, I already have some idea of what it is going to be but I am the only technical person in the firm so I need advice. I just got out of school so it's kinda overwhelming.

What we need - One MPA (so SSR and SEO) - Two SPA on the same domain as the MPA - A backend that works with MSSQL and the frontend

Because it is a pretty big enterprise project and my devs are familiar with Angular I want to use Angular with PrimeNg on top. For the backend, I think Django will be my choice because it works with our database and the built-in functionalities seem very nice.

I would also like to use Vite for faster development time but I am not sure if it will suit my needs.

The main question is can I use Angular for the MPA so SSR and Angular for the SPA's on the same domain, it opens a new tab when a link is clicked to the SPA. I need to hydrate some parts of the pages of the MPA too I was thinking to use Analogjs but vite ssr also seems similar.

Please help I'm confused.

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Avatar of craig328
Owner at Bluefield Identity·

Does anyone have any advice or guidance on how to create a Lucee instance in the Amazon Web Service cloud? I'm a many years CF dev but I have zero experience working with cloud services and I'm trying to roll my own on this one. I have a traditional ACF hosting arrangement I desperately need to migrate from (their support has recently evaporated and it's causing my application performance nightmares) and my app will need to be in the cloud for scalability considerations so I'm figuring now is the best time to make the move. My current setup is ACF with a MSSQL backend and I think I'd like to migrate that to a Lucee/MySQL or Amazon Aurora setup.

Any pointers would be most welcome. Thanks in advance!

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I'm working on a project where I need to both send real-time updates for specific data sets, along with providing notifications to the users after long-running processes have been completed (SSE).

The project is using .NET Framework, AngularJS, & MSSQL. I understand that SignalR is nice as a polyfill for .NET and you can scale with a backplane, but I was wondering if there was a more efficient/effective technology for this?

10 upvotes·35K views

Hi All,

I have an application form employment details, and mostly the data is text & animations. Earlier it was with the MSSQL database. Now I have to migrate it to either PostgreSQL/DynamoD or MongoDB. Could you please help me to choose the correct DB to get the best fit and also can the possibility to migrate from MSSQL the Old records?

Data Types: Text, Animations Source Database: MSSQL Destination Database::? ( DynamoDB/MongoDB/PostgreSQL)


4 upvotes·12.1K views
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Of course both are capable of storing this data and technically possible to migrate to. For rich content that contains lots of different types of content nested together, the flexible structure of a NoSQL like MongoDB even has advantages. However, since you asked, I have to assume that you are less familiar with NoSQL systems and thus recommend the one that is more similar to MSSQL. PostgreSQL is another newer SQL database and would let you keep the old database's structure.

8 upvotes·1 comment·9.4K views
Daniel Iyiola
Daniel Iyiola
July 4th 2021 at 6:51PM

I agree with Martin. PostgreSQL would be easier to migrate to and you can use Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to easily transfer the data.

Avatar of yeongjupark
SW Web Engineer at Sense Korea·
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I am considering which chat solution to choose between CometChat and SendBird, for our new app. The condition is, the app is going to run in a private network and has to connect with MSSQL. Any advice on other things I have to consider before choosing one, or is there another chat service you would recommend? Thank you!

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MSSQL to PostgreSQL database migration can be done through Flyway? Please advise the steps if possible.

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Flyway is a tool to apply incremental changes to an existing database. These changes can be data changes and/or data model changes. It won't help you with the migration from SQL Server to PostgreSQL or any other combination.

My recommended approach would be:

  1. Migrate the current MS SQL database to PostgreSQL

1.1. dump current DB - best would be as SQL statements - the recommended tools can help you with analyzing the current database schema, use can rewrite it for the new schema, dump data, restore data, test queries, ...

1.2. make changes to the DDL statements (CREATE TABLE, CREATE SEQUENCE,...) if necessary - essentially make a port to PostgreSQL; adapt indexes, stored procedures, views, triggers,...

1.3. create a database instance on PostgreSQL and import adapted structure and data

1.4. automate the dump and restore part as complete as possible to avoid errors on the final migration

  1. Update/adapt and test application with new PostgreSQL database. - essentially fork your application and start a new flyway/application history with the new PostgreSQL schema.

  2. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until everything works as expected

  3. Go Live: deploy everything in production (take application down, migrate database, change db connection info, apply new application with PostgreSQL)

  4. from there on use flyway to do incremental updates in your database matching the changes in your entity/repository classes. initial Flyway migration (for example V10basescheme.sql) should be the schema made in step 1.2.

6 upvotes·273 views
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We are planning to migrate one of my applications from MSSQL to MySQL. Can someone help me with the version to select?. I have a strong inclination towards MySql 5.7. But, I see there are some standout features added in Mysql 8.0 like JSON_TABLE. Just wanted to know if the newer version has not compromised on its speed while giving out some add on features.

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Avatar of spun-jeremy
Digital Developer at SpeakUnique·

MySQL AB doesn't implement anything in MySQL until they can find a way to do it efficiently and, often, more efficiently than other systems. So although I don't have experience with benchmarking JSON_TABLEs or similar new features, their development philosophy alone suggests that version 8 for the latest features would be a safe jump without sacrificing system performance.

6 upvotes·302.7K views
Avatar of rafeyirahman
Cofounder at Wanderloop·

MySQL 8.0 is significantly better than MySQL 5.7. For all InnoDB row operations, you'll see a great performance improvement. Also, the time taken to process transactions is lower in MySQL 8.0. Moreover, there has been an improvement in managing read and read/write workloads.

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We are going to develop a microservices-based application. It consists of AngularJS, ASP.NET Core, and MSSQL.

We have 3 types of microservices. Emailservice, Filemanagementservice, Filevalidationservice

I am a beginner in microservices. But I have read about RabbitMQ, but come to know that there are Redis and Kafka also in the market. So, I want to know which is best.

9 upvotes·910K views
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Kafka is an Enterprise Messaging Framework whereas Redis is an Enterprise Cache Broker, in-memory database and high performance database.Both are having their own advantages, but they are different in usage and implementation. Now if you are creating microservices check the user consumption volumes, its generating logs, scalability, systems to be integrated and so on. I feel for your scenario initially you can go with KAFKA bu as the throughput, consumption and other factors are scaling then gradually you can add Redis accordingly.

8 upvotes·835.6K views

I first recommend that you choose Angular over AngularJS if you are starting something new. AngularJs is no longer getting enhancements, but perhaps you meant Angular. Regarding microservices, I recommend considering microservices when you have different development teams for each service that may want to use different programming languages and backend data stores. If it is all the same team, same code language, and same data store I would not use microservices. I might use a message queue, in which case RabbitMQ is a good one. But you may also be able to simply write your own in which you write a record in a table in MSSQL and one of your services reads the record from the table and processes it. The most challenging part of doing it yourself is writing a service that does a good job of reading the queue without reading the same message multiple times or missing a message; and that is where RabbitMQ can help.

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Avatar of je111ena
Software Engineer ·
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Investigating Tortoise ORM and GINO ORM...

I need to introduce some async ORM with the current stack: Tornado with asyncio loop, AIOHTTP, with PostgreSQL and MSSQL. This project revolves heavily around realtime and due to the realtime requirements, blocking during database access is not acceptable.

Considering that these ORMs are both young projects, I wondered if anybody had some experience with similar stack and these async ORMs?

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Avatar of michaelmota
Founder at AlterEstate·

I honestly don't know if this could help but, I'll speak from my similar experience with Django. I had to do for a client a dynamic map in real time so that users can select their seats for a specific event. In the first MVP tickets sold in less then 10 minutes, over 400 users at the same time online trying to buy the seats. (I mention this to get in the context of why I used it).

We achieved this with Django, Socket.IO, PostgreSQL and for the frontend React. With the power of Socket IO we manage to achieve a real time connection with the database with a reaaally low response time.

The drawbacks of Django are that everyone knows that Django is not really good for real-time activities but in combination with Socket.IO this can be achieve really good.

I hope that in some way I helped. 👍🏼

8 upvotes·34.9K views
Avatar of freeqaz
CTO at Refinery Labs·

I asked a friend who's a 10x Python engineer for some help getting you an answer here. He recommends:

I don't think there are any robust ORMs for asyncio. There's Gino but I haven't evaluated it. I would honestly use an asyncio SQL connector, manually write the request, and implement a mapping layer myself.

Asyncio is still a bit weird a lot of libraries hack compatibility layers onto it. It's probably better to use aiohttp alone instead of putting Tornado on top of it.

ORMs can be painful and newly created ones on new platforms are even more painful.

Hope that helps!

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