

Application and Data / Languages & Frameworks / Frameworks (Full Stack)
Needs advice

Hello, I'm using Supervisord for separate process manager/consumer with RabbitMQ and Symfony but it's not working properly, it disconnects after a couple of hours.. and for a workaround, I'm using a restart job on Jenkins (as in the linked issue in GitHub) but tbh I would like to have a clean stack.. if anyone knows a better alternative than supervisord it will be awesome..

Many thanks!

Process stops processing messages after certain amount of time · Issue #28 · ricbra/rabbitmq-cli-consumer · GitHub (
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I've had good experiences moving from Supervisord to using systemd for managing processes, especially for setups involving RabbitMQ and Symfony. Systemd not only integrates well with the system, offering better control and management, but it also simplifies logging through journalctl and handles automatic restarts seamlessly.

Here's what I did to make the switch: - Craft a Service File: I wrote a .service file in /etc/systemd/system/ to describe my service. It includes details on how to start and stop the process, among other things. - Set Up Service Behavior: Inside this file, I specified commands like ExecStart for launching my process, Restart to ensure it always restarts after failure, and set the User to define which user runs the process. - Enable and Launch the Service: With systemctl enable my-service.service, I made sure my service would start on boot, and systemctl start my-service.service got it running right away. - Manage and Log: Whenever I needed to check on things, journalctl was there for logs, and systemctl helped me manage the service (like checking its status or restarting it). - Switching to systemd resolved the disconnection issues I faced without needing any workarounds like restartingI've had good experiences moving from Supervisord to using systemd for managing processes, especially for setups involving RabbitMQ and Symfony. Systemd not only integrates well with the system, offering better control and management, but it also simplifies logging through journalctl and handles automatic restarts seamlessly.

Here's what I did to make the switch: - Craft a Service File: I wrote a .service file in /etc/systemd/system/ to describe my service. It includes details on how to start and stop the process, among other things. - Set Up Service Behavior: Inside this file, I specified commands like ExecStart for launching my process, Restart to ensure it always restarts after failure, and set the User to define which user runs the process. - Enable and Launch the Service: With systemctl enable my-service.service, I made sure my service would start on boot, and systemctl start my-service.service got it running right away. - Manage and Log: Whenever I needed to check on things, journalctl was there for logs, and systemctl helped me manage the service (like checking its status or restarting it). - Switching to systemd resolved the disconnection issues I faced without needing any workarounds like restart jobs. It felt like a cleaner, more reliable approach.

8 upvotes·4 comments·18.9K views
February 16th 2024 at 6:56PM

Many thanks for the recommendation! I will give it a try, thanks : )

bmspower websitedesigncompany
bmspower websitedesigncompany
June 4th 2024 at 7:43AM

Messenger provides a message bus with the ability to send messages and then handle them immediately in your application or to be handled later.

Vid Matehd
Vid Matehd
November 3rd 2024 at 7:51AM

Download VidMate App (APK) latest version 2025 in Official Website. VidMate App is the best video downloader for YT, Facebook and all other movie & video platforms.

Ehsaas Rashan
Ehsaas Rashan
February 21st 2025 at 12:00PM

Needs advice

Hi all - we've built a very custom and complex application and UI using custom Vue.js + Nuxt.js, which sits on top of a GraphQL API provided by Symfony.

It's a completely custom UI for administration with lots of complex data relationships and the way we've done it has worked very well... however...

Now we need to build a second part of the system, which is a simpler CRUD style application for managing a simpler data object, but one that still has many relationships. It doesn't need quite as much flexibility, but we do need to deliver it faster if possible.

We've looked at various options, for example: - What we've got (Symfony/GraphQL/Apollo/Vue/Nuxt) - A simpler version of the above using a REST API - Symfony + API-Platform + Vue3 - Native Symfony server rendered

When we consider other frameworks, we always seem to hit stumbling blocks - my lead developer is not keen to use anything that will restrict what he can do, but I also need to consider whether there are faster / cheaper / better solutions out there.

The frameworks all seem to be able to create the code to update / delete individual data tables with ease, but make it difficult / impossible when there are complex data relationships.

Does anyone have any other ideas before we continue the way we are doing things?

Thanks in advance.

4 upvotes·39.1K views
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Avatar of ricardov
Lead Developer at SEISIGMA SRL·

Why don't you try Laravel + Inertia.js + Vue.js for this simpler application? It's feel cohesive and allows you to move quickly and maintain the same core (PHP + Vue) to simplify the maintenance.

3 upvotes·10K views
Avatar of Kwazimolo
DevOps Engineer ·
Needs advice

Hi everyone! I'm starting a personal project that I've been postponing for a little while and I need a bit of advice. I thought that it will be a bit of a challenge but I figure the best way to learn is by doing!

The plan is to build an app with loads of automation build in for reporting which would make it very easy to perform tasks, The plan is to build something similar to an HR app using microservice architecture, separating services e.g. employee data, payroll (including calculations based on easily entered info like tax %), employee services (vacation, sick day allowance booking and tabulation) and automated reporting on a pre-defined schedule (bi-weekly, monthly).

I am considering Django (as I currently know a bit of Python) and Symfony (as a friend who is a developer recommended it) but I am well aware there are other (and probably better) tools out there for the job (like maybe ExpressJS/Node.js for the backend and React/Vue.js for the front).


I have got knowledge as a DevOps, Site Reliability and Cloud engineer so once the app is built I'm very comfortable taking it to deployment.

Thank you all for your help and responses.

6 upvotes·68.3K views
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Avatar of ibrahimgunduz34
Software Developer at PayU·

Hi. I guess it all depends on what your goal is. If you wanna make fast prototyping Django or ExpressJNodeJS might be really good candidates. You can write your services quickly and easily by using anyone of them. Maybe we can also put Laravel in the same category.

Symfony is also another application framework that comes with many reusable components. It provides great flexibility with the configuration and dependency management solutions. So that you can inject or override anything, anytime without doing something hack-ish. You don't have to depend on any components that come with the framework and, replace them with whatever you prefer unless encounter any integration issues. I can say that Laravel also provides most of the Symfony futures as it uses its components under the hood. However, my personal experience with Laravel was not so good because it made me feel like I use a modernized version of Codeigniter. But anyway. :) So if I have to choose one of them, I would choose Symfony.

From the backend perspective, all of those have some pros and cons. For example, If strict type declaration is important for you and you don't like code magics like monkey patching etc., maybe Python and NodeJS might not be good candidates and maybe you could choose Symfony/php. However, in this case, you'll be missed out on the most powerful future of NodeJS which is non-blocking io. if you plan to do IO-intensive works, I think it would be a big loss.

So, maybe I can recommend you to have a look at typescript + NestJS also. The futures that NestJS provides might be a good balance between the strengths of Symfony and NodeJS.

As I'm backend dev., I haven't work too many frontend projects but from my personal experience, I loved ReactJS more than Vue although Vue was simpler. Maybe a front-end developer can give us more helpful details about those.

Hope it helps.

2 upvotes·3 comments·52.4K views
David Hunter
David Hunter
July 3rd 2022 at 12:35AM

If your considering a microservice architecture, depending on the hosting environment, i would also look at flask and python for simple apis and event handling using the likes of AWS lambda for simple functions. Using something like the severless framework can simplify the deployment of these services.

Quade Claxton
Quade Claxton
July 3rd 2022 at 12:20PM

Thank you very much for your reply. I will look into this!

Quade Claxton
Quade Claxton
July 3rd 2022 at 12:21PM

Thank you very much for your comprehensive reply. This is really helpful.

Needs advice


I have a web application developed in Symfony and now I would like to create the mobile version of this application with Flutter but I could not interact with the services developed for example authentication. How should I do knowing that "services" are not REST services.

What do I have to do?

4 upvotes·18.6K views
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you can create new controllers straight to your services, in the end you will server as an api

1 - make sure that you do not have dependencies coupled on your controller and everything as well implemented on their respective services layer.

2 - just make a v2 still comunicate with your services, but in your v2 you should return json whitin your new controller, don't forget to specify a new path for those services that will be use your service as api prefix: /api

4 upvotes·813 views
Avatar of danplaton4
PHP Software Developer ·
Needs advice

I'm looking to build an eCommerce website and seeking advice from professionals on the most reliable tech stack that I can use. Currently, the website is built on top of WordPress with WooCommerce, but the company has grown up, and evidently, the number of products have been increased. The site needs a fresh code because WordPress doesn't make it anymore.

The stack I'm most familiar with is PHP + Symfony + MySQL + Apache HTTP Server or NGINX. Headless eCommerce is the one I'm looking for, because of the huge complexity, it would be great to separate the backend from the frontend. Not sure about CMSs, because they had a huge amount of functionality that the application doesn't need. I've been looking also at PrestaShop, it seems ok, but not sure about customization and front-end integration. As a custom solution, I have found Sylius or Aimeos for the backend, but I'm not too sure about a frontend stack.

Could you please give some suggestions about the frontend stack and if the ones for the backend are ok?

5 upvotes·220.9K views
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Avatar of patryk
CEO | IT Department at webo·

You need PIM and Drupal can both do eCommerce site and PIM catalog with many modules. Tests are available and extension are coded as Open Source too. Smaller cost of ownership. Require knowledge and more debug to get good result. From version 10 it will provide automatic updates that required for e-commerce in term of security

6 upvotes·1 comment·24.9K views
nlm kumary
nlm kumary
January 17th 2025 at 8:51AM

Avatar of thomas-rothe
Developer at netzGiraffe·

hey it is my first comment on stackshare :-) let me say, i am developer for/with prestashop and shopware

both using symfony but in different versions both system can completly customized in templates, modules, hooks/actions ....

i think it depends on the amount of products, countries and taxes too

4 upvotes·4.4K views
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Needs advice

Thinking about how to set up simple websites in the future... I was specifically looking at something simple to develop in (coming from a Symfony/Laravel background but with some experience in Vue.js). Any recommendations?

3 upvotes·19.4K views
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I too have a background in PHP, but found Svelte super easy to pick up. In many ways I found it similar to working in php with a template engine like Handlebars (it has syntax that is very similar to Handlebars). If you have experience with Laravel, you could also look at Vue.js, which works great with Laravel and might give you the best of both-worlds.

4 upvotes·327 views
Avatar of NouhaC
Customer Success Manager at Prismic·

I'd say that Nuxt looks more stable/mature, the team is growing, and the dev experience is 👌. It's THE framework I recommend to most Prismic users. Super easy to understand and maintain, and their doc is getting better and better. They have good integrations with CMSs if you ever need one, with very well maintained plugins (modules in Nuxt) by the core team and by the community. So also a huge ecosystem around it! From the Prismic side, I see its usage growing super fast, so I guess I'm not the only person loving Nuxt :) See:

3 upvotes·162 views
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Needs advice

I'm about to begin working on an API, for which I plan to add GraphQL connectivity for processing data. The data processed will mainly be audio files being downloaded/uploaded with some user messaging & authentication.

I don't mind the difficulty in any service since I've used C++ (for data structures & algorithms at least) and would also say I am patient and can learn fairly quickly. My main concerns would be their performance, libraries/community, and job marketability.

Why I'm stuck between these three...

Symfony: I've programmed in PHP for back-end in a previous internship and may do so again in a few months.

Node.js: It's newer than PHP, and it's JavaScript where my front-end stack will be React and (likely) React Native.

Go: It's newer than PHP, I've heard of its good performance, and it would be nice to learn a new (growing) language.

5 upvotes·2.4M views
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Avatar of maxmusing
Founder & CEO at BaseDash·

Go with Node.js. There's something really satisfying about being able to use a single language across your entire tech stack. Especially once you integrate GraphQL, which is effectively JSON.

Your second best option is Go, but the ecosystem around Node.js is quite a bit stronger. This will play a big factor when you start building functionality like file management, messaging (especially in real-time), and authentication. The libraries and documentation are just stronger for Node.

6 upvotes·3 comments·214K views
Fabian Gonzalez
Fabian Gonzalez
May 6th 2020 at 7:41PM

Awesome! Thank you for this recommendation!

Max Musing
Max Musing
May 6th 2020 at 7:57PM

You're welcome, good luck!

An Nguyen
An Nguyen
October 2nd 2021 at 7:08AM


Shared insights

Symfony is probably the most popular PHP framework nowadays. We began with Symfony 2.6 and during 2019 we migrated to Symfony 4.2, also introducing #DDD and #hexagonal to our development process. Thanks to this improvements we could manage a quite big company with a small development team. If you agree, don't forget to upvote my review.


5 upvotes·132.2K views
Shared insights

I really love Django because it is really fast to create a web application from scratch and it has a lot a facilities like the ORM or the Admin module ! The Python language is really easy to read and powerful, that's why I prefer Django over Symfony.

I use Django at work to make tools for the technicians but I also use it for me to build my personal website which I host on PythonAnywhere, and with a domain name bought on Namecheap.

Accueil | Benbb96 (
21 upvotes·562.6K views