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What is Caddy?

Caddy 2 is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go.
Caddy is a tool in the Web Servers category of a tech stack.
Caddy is an open source tool with 55.9K GitHub stars and 3.9K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Caddy's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Caddy?

124 companies reportedly use Caddy in their tech stacks, including Biting Bit, HENNGE Global Internship Program, and commercetools.

177 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Caddy.
Pros of Caddy
Easy HTTP/2 Server Push
Sane config file syntax
Builtin HTTPS
Letsencrypt support
Runtime config API

Caddy's Features

  • Static file server
  • Reverse proxy
  • Load balancing
  • Automatic HTTPS
  • TLS by default
  • Caddyfile
  • Config API
  • Config adapters
  • HTTP/1.1
  • HTTP/2
  • HTTP/3
  • Virtual hosting
  • TLS ceritificate auto-renew
  • Extensible
  • No dependencies
  • Fewer moving parts

Caddy Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Caddy?
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server, written by Igor Sysoev. According to Netcraft nginx served or proxied 30.46% of the top million busiest sites in Jan 2018.
A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates with your existing infrastructure components and configures itself automatically and dynamically.
HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications.
Originally built at Lyft, Envoy is a high performance C++ distributed proxy designed for single services and applications, as well as a communication bus and “universal data plane” designed for large microservice “service mesh” architectures.
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
See all alternatives

Caddy's Followers
273 developers follow Caddy to keep up with related blogs and decisions.