Kamarool Karim
Recent Tech Decisions
29 points


  • Mailgun

    kamaroolkarim Synthiome

    She become my personal assistant. She deliver some message for me.

  • Python

    kamaroolkarim Synthiome

    She is the one, I use to create core algorithm for the tool

  • Bitbucket

    kamaroolkarim Synthiome

    Currently, she is the only one I can trusted on to save my code.

  • npm

    kamaroolkarim Synthiome

    She always become reliable when I need it

  • Bower

    kamaroolkarim Synthiome

    It easily for me to have this kind of technology. She allow me to manage my front-end package

  • Sublime Text

    kamaroolkarim Synthiome

    Most of the time using it for code