Mike MacCana
Fast, painless EV HTTPS | certsimple
Recent Tech Decisions
39 points


  • HAProxy

    mikemaccana certsimple

    HTTPS termination and active/passive load balancing

  • RethinkDB

    mikemaccana certsimple

    As a boring document oriented database with safe defaults.

  • Twilio SendGrid

    mikemaccana certsimple

    Sending welcome emails, chasing potential customers, providing customers with help, password reset emails, etc.

  • RactiveJS

    mikemaccana certsimple

    Our whole UI is a series of ractive components!

  • ExpressJS

    mikemaccana certsimple

    We use Express as our main router and do clever things with it to produce our AMP pages.

  • GitHub

    mikemaccana certsimple

    Storing code, pull requests, and deploying via GH deploy keys.

  • DigitalOcean

    mikemaccana certsimple

    Load balancers, DB servers and app servers.

  • CentOS

    mikemaccana certsimple

    As a nice Linux distro with Long Term Support and systemd .service files, which makes our app easier to deploy.

  • G Suite

    mikemaccana certsimple

    Email and other boring stuff.