Introducing Stack News: stay up-to-date with the tools you care about

Introducing Stack News

There are so many sources to learn about new product releases, updates, and announcements: Reddit, Hacker News, Medium, engineering team blogs, and on and on. But it can be hard to stay on top of them all. Many developers just opt out entirely and catch updates serendipitously, and end up missing important or interesting updates. That's why we're introducing Stack News today.

Visit and you’ll immediately see a personalized, curated feed of the latest news, articles, and changelogs for all of you favorite tools. Everything from your programming language of choice to your favorite cloud hosting provider, all in one place.

Not only can you see the latest news on the site, but you can get updates automatically pushed to you via daily/weekly email digest:

Or you can subscribe via RSS:


After conversations with the StackShare community about what we should build next, we found that people loved that StackShare helps you keep up with the latest tools, but that they’d like help staying up to date with the tools they already use. Given that we were in a unique position to help solve the problem since we already know your stack, we decided to think about how we could help.

So during our first ever internal hackathon back in February, one of our teammates and I built a basic version of what we thought a solution could look like. We just wanted a simple way to check the places we already visit for updates about tools that we care about. The team liked what we built so much that we thought it was worth cleaning up and releasing to a small subset of the community to see if it had legs, without all the bells and whistles.

So we gave some of our most active community members access to the product and the response was incredible:

We’ve since made improvements and additions based on our early beta testers’ feedback. Today, we’re excited to introduce the entire StackShare community and the rest of the world to Stack News.

We’re super excited for everyone to try this. We’d love to hear your feedback and feature requests! Email me directly at or hop in the comments on Hacker News or Product Hunt. Happy Stacking!

- Sergio