

Build scalable feeds, activity streams & chat in a few hours instead of months.
Tools by Stream

Decisions 2

Nick Parsons

Building cool things on the internet 🛠️ at Stream

Shared a protip
Chat by StreamChat by StreamTwilioTwilio

Chat and messaging are becoming ever-more critical for application success. When searching for a provider to enable in-app messaging, you might compare Stream Chat with Twilio Chat. We wrote a comprehensive comparison of the two APIs. Check it out on the Stream Blog.

13 4.8K

Nick Parsons

Building cool things on the internet 🛠️ at Stream

I work at Stream and I'm immensely proud of what our team is working on here at the company. Most recently, we announced our Android SDK accompanied by an extensive tutorial for Java and Kotlin. The tutorial covers just about everything you need to know when it comes to using our Android SDK for Stream Chat. The Android SDK touches many features offered by Stream Chat – more specifically, typing status, read state, file uploads, threads, reactions, editing messages, and commands. Head over to and give it a whirl!

11 168.9K