Thomas Hunsaker
Recent Tech Decisions
54 points

Tools thunsaker is Following

GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over t...
Stripe makes it easy for developers to accept credit cards on the web.
Harness the power of Dropbox. Connect to an account, upload, download, search, and more.
AWS Cloud9
Cloud9 provides a development environment in the cloud. Cloud9 enables developers to get started with codin...
Travis CI
Free for open source projects, our CI environment provides multiple runtimes (e.g. Node.js or PHP versions)...
Sublime Text
Sublime Text is available for OS X, Windows and Linux. One license is all you need to use Sublime Text on e...
At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted. A tool you can customize to do anything, but...
GitHub Pages
Public webpages hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.
Build system automating tasks: minification and copying of all JavaScript files, static images. More capabl...
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for d...
MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents that can vary in structure, offering a dynamic, flexible schema....
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
C lang
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects ...
npm is the command-line interface to the npm ecosystem. It is battle-tested, surprisingly flexible, and use...
Stylus is a revolutionary new language, providing an efficient, dynamic, and expressive way to generate CSS...
This project was formerly known as "Jade." Pug is a high performance template engine heavily influenced by ...
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments...
Medium is a different kind of place on the internet. A place where the measure of success isn’t views, but ...
HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used for structuring and presenting content for ...
Pebble Slate
Front-end framework for developing Pebble mobile configuration pages.
CloudPebble: Build Pebble watchfaces and apps without installing anything!
Use spreadsheet as your database. Give data to your users the nice way, directly from the tool you know. Wi...
MAPS.ME is an open source cross-platform offline maps application, built on top of crowd-sourced OpenStreet...
Mapzen Search
Pelias is an open-source geocoder built on Node.js and Elasticsearch. It supports numerous open-data pro...
Automatic compliance testing for all of the dependencies in your application.