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Collaborative diagramming solution for your entire organization
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What is Lucidchart?

Solution for visual communication. Create online flowcharts, diagrams, UML sketches, and ER models.
Lucidchart is a tool in the Diagramming category of a tech stack.

Who uses Lucidchart?

90 companies reportedly use Lucidchart in their tech stacks, including Mollie, Shelf, and main.

182 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Lucidchart.

Lucidchart Integrations

XMind, Outline, Nuclino, Cloudockit, and CloudApp are some of the popular tools that integrate with Lucidchart. Here's a list of all 12 tools that integrate with Lucidchart.
Decisions about Lucidchart

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Lucidchart in their tech stack.

Julien DeFrance
Principal Software Engineer at Tophatter · | 1 upvote · 375.7K views

When starting my new role at #Stessa, I needed a solution to start diagramming some of my #Architecture so I'd be able to share my views on #SystemArchitecture with the rest of the team.

Visualization is key. Especially when working with complex/distributed systems. You want to make sure everybody's got the same understanding of your approach, so you can better communicate, and start delegating more.

In the past, I had worked with #VisualParadigm for #UML, in both desktop and #SaaS version of the product. Also worked with #LucidChart We also looked at potential alternatives such as Microsoft Visio for instance.

Ultimately, my recommendation was & we closed on Lucidchart, as it won on couple of key aspects : #Team #Collaboration, #Integrations with #AWS for instance, and certain specific visualizations we were looking for / others didn't have.

This isn't just for #Engineering. I've seen Lucidchart being used by #Product Teams, #Network #Engineers, #IT Departments, #DevOps, or non-Engineering related teams.

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Lucidchart's Features

  • Nothing to install
  • Drag and drop
  • Dedicated support
  • Group chat and comments
  • Any browser, anywhere
  • Revision history
  • Embedded documents
  • Data encryption

Lucidchart Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Lucidchart?
Make flowcharts, network diagrams, uml diagrams, org charts, mind maps, wireframes, and more.
Creators of Mac, iPad, and iPhone productivity software. Proud to bring you OmniFocus, OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle, and OmniPlan.
Cloudcraft is service for creating powerful AWS diagrams for free, used by software architects and developers. You can create cloud architecture diagrams, service deployment plans, illustrate software documentation, presentations etc.
It is an easy-to-use online diagramming application for planning, organizing, sharing, and optimizing your ideas. With real-time collaborative editing and a large selection of templates and shapes ready to use, your team can create professional diagrams in minutes. Flowcharts, mind maps, wireframes, network diagrams, and more are easy with its intuitive editor.
Fully-featured online tool for database design – simple but powerful. Create a database model, share it with your team, and finally generate SQL scripts instead of writing them manually.
See all alternatives

Lucidchart's Followers
221 developers follow Lucidchart to keep up with related blogs and decisions.