Martin Jackson
Recent Tech Decisions
35 points


  • JavaScript

    #<User:0x00007e2e68519388> Mountain Stream Software

    Why use difference languages in the same project. Use the latest language syntax on both front-end and back-end. Be a full stack developer with out having to mental shift gears between languages. Async, Multi-threaded, Promises, the largest programmer community in the world.

  • Git

    #<User:0x00007e2e68517948> Mountain Stream Software

    the next generation of version control, all others follow older outdated models. Open Source, no fees to use. Can hoist up your own internal server. Can live on a thumb drive. Developers can share from any OS.

  • React

    #<User:0x00007e2e68516908> Mountain Stream Software

    Want Higher Order Components (HOC). increase dependability, Limit scope component dependencies. Increase code re-usability.

  • npm

    #<User:0x00007e2e68515c88> Mountain Stream Software

    Manage your project dependencies, tap into the JS/NodeJS ecosystem.

  • Webpack

    #<User:0x00007e2e68514d88> Mountain Stream Software

    Live Coding, production optimized, asset compression, works well with Babel.

  • Babel

    #<User:0x00007e2e68514388> Mountain Stream Software

    Use the Latest JS Language features w/o sacrificing support for older browsers (works great with Webpack & Jest)

  • GraphiQL

    #<User:0x00007e2e68513988> Mountain Stream Software

    Data Normalizes your RESTful API, avoids the need for versioning you Web API.