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Alternatives to SDKMAN

Homebrew, Chef, RubyGems, Bower, and NuGet are the most popular alternatives and competitors to SDKMAN.
+ 1

What is SDKMAN and what are its top alternatives?

SDKMAN is a software development kit manager that allows developers to easily install, manage, and switch between multiple versions of SDKs, including Java, Kotlin, Groovy, and more. It helps streamline the development process by providing a command-line interface for managing dependencies and versions. However, SDKMAN has limitations in terms of limited language support and compatibility with certain operating systems.

  1. Homebrew: Homebrew is a package manager for macOS and Linux that allows users to easily install a variety of software packages, including SDKs. It simplifies the installation process and provides a wide range of packages to choose from. However, it may not have as extensive support for SDKs as SDKMAN.
  2. Scoop: Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows that enables users to manage software packages, including SDKs. It offers a simple and user-friendly interface for installing and updating packages. However, its support for SDKs may not be as comprehensive as SDKMAN.
  3. asdf: asdf is a version manager for multiple runtime environments, including programming languages and tools. It allows developers to easily switch between different versions of SDKs and other dependencies. One of its key features is its support for various programming languages and tools, making it a versatile alternative to SDKMAN.
  4. NVM (Node Version Manager): NVM is a version manager for Node.js that allows developers to switch between different versions of Node.js. It simplifies the management of Node.js versions and makes it easy to switch between them for different projects. However, it is limited to managing Node.js versions and may not support other SDKs like SDKMAN.
  5. Volta: Volta is a JavaScript tool manager that helps developers manage the tools required for a project, including Node.js, npm, and Yarn. It simplifies the installation and management of these tools, making it easier to work on JavaScript projects. However, it may not offer the same level of support for other SDKs as SDKMAN.
  6. rbenv: rbenv is a Ruby version manager that allows developers to easily switch between different versions of Ruby. It simplifies the installation and management of Ruby versions, making it easier to work on Ruby projects. However, it is limited to managing Ruby versions and may not support other SDKs like SDKMAN.
  7. Pik (Pik!): Pik is a Ruby version manager for Windows that enables developers to switch between different versions of Ruby. It provides a simple command-line interface for managing Ruby versions on Windows. However, it may not have as extensive support for different programming languages and tools as SDKMAN.
  8. EnvMan: EnvMan is a simple environment manager for managing different versions of SDKs and tools. It provides a lightweight and easy-to-use interface for switching between different versions of SDKs. However, it may not have as many features and language support as SDKMAN.
  9. Jenv: Jenv is a Java environment manager that allows developers to manage multiple JDK installations and easily switch between them. It simplifies the management of Java versions and makes it easy to work on Java projects. However, it is limited to managing Java versions and may not support other SDKs like SDKMAN.
  10. Maven Version Manager: Maven Version Manager (MVNVM) is a version manager for Apache Maven that allows developers to easily switch between different versions of Maven. It simplifies the installation and management of Maven versions, making it easier to work on Maven projects. However, it is limited to managing Maven versions and may not support other SDKs like SDKMAN.

Top Alternatives to SDKMAN

  • Homebrew

    Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t. Homebrew installs packages to their own directory and then symlinks their files into /usr/local. ...

  • Chef

    Chef enables you to manage and scale cloud infrastructure with no downtime or interruptions. Freely move applications and configurations from one cloud to another. Chef is integrated with all major cloud providers including Amazon EC2, VMWare, IBM Smartcloud, Rackspace, OpenStack, Windows Azure, HP Cloud, Google Compute Engine, Joyent Cloud and others. ...

  • RubyGems

    It is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries, a tool designed to easily manage the installation of gems, and a server for distributing them. ...

  • Bower

    Bower is a package manager for the web. It offers a generic, unopinionated solution to the problem of front-end package management, while exposing the package dependency model via an API that can be consumed by a more opinionated build stack. There are no system wide dependencies, no dependencies are shared between different apps, and the dependency tree is flat. ...

  • NuGet

    A free and open-source package manager designed for the Microsoft development platform. It is also distributed as a Visual Studio extension. ...

  • Meteor

    A Meteor application is a mix of JavaScript that runs inside a client web browser, JavaScript that runs on the Meteor server inside a Node.js container, and all the supporting HTML fragments, CSS rules, and static assets. ...

  • Composer

    It is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. ...

  • Elm

    Writing HTML apps is super easy with elm-lang/html. Not only does it render extremely fast, it also quietly guides you towards well-architected code. ...

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Homebrew logo


The Missing Package Manager for macOS
+ 1
  • 3
    Clean, neat, powerful, fast and furious
    Be the first to leave a con

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    Chef logo


    Build, destroy and rebuild servers on any public or private cloud
    + 1
    • 110
      Dynamic and idempotent server configuration
    • 76
      Reusable components
    • 47
      Integration testing with Vagrant
    • 43
    • 30
      Mock testing with Chefspec
    • 14
    • 8
      Can package cookbooks to guarantee repeatability
    • 7
      Works with AWS
    • 3
      Has marketplace where you get readymade cookbooks
    • 3
      Matured product with good community support
    • 2
      Less declarative more procedural
    • 2
      Open source configuration mgmt made easy(ish)
      Be the first to leave a con

      related Chef posts

      In late 2013, the Operations Engineering team at PagerDuty was made up of 4 engineers, and was comprised of generalists, each of whom had one or two areas of depth. Although the Operations Team ran its own on-call, each engineering team at PagerDuty also participated on the pager.

      The Operations Engineering Team owned 150+ servers spanning multiple cloud providers, and used Chef to automate their infrastructure across the various cloud providers with a mix of completely custom cookbooks and customized community cookbooks.

      Custom cookbooks were managed by Berkshelf, andach custom cookbook contained its own tests based on ChefSpec 3, coupled with Rspec.

      Jenkins was used to GitHub for new changes and to handle unit testing of those features.

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      Marcel Kornegoor

      Since #ATComputing is a vendor independent Linux and open source specialist, we do not have a favorite Linux distribution. We mainly use Ubuntu , Centos Debian , Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora during our daily work. These are also the distributions we see most often used in our customers environments.

      For our #ci/cd training, we use an open source pipeline that is build around Visual Studio Code , Jenkins , VirtualBox , GitHub , Docker Kubernetes and Google Compute Engine.

      For #ServerConfigurationAndAutomation, we have embraced and contributed to Ansible mainly because it is not only flexible and powerful, but also straightforward and easier to learn than some other (open source) solutions. On the other hand: we are not affraid of Puppet Labs and Chef either.

      Currently, our most popular #programming #Language course is Python . The reason Python is so popular has to do with it's versatility, but also with its low complexity. This helps sysadmins to write scripts or simple programs to make their job less repetitive and automating things more fun. Python is also widely used to communicate with (REST) API's and for data analysis.

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      RubyGems logo


      Easily download, install, and use ruby software packages on your system
      + 1
        Be the first to leave a pro
          Be the first to leave a con

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          Bower logo


          A package manager for the web
          + 1
          PROS OF BOWER
          • 483
            Package management
          • 214
            Open source
          • 142
          • 53
            Great for for project dependencies injection
          • 27
            Web components with Meteor
          • 8
            Portable dependencies Management
          CONS OF BOWER
          • 2
          • 1
            Front end only

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          NuGet logo


          The package manager for .NET
          + 1
          PROS OF NUGET
          • 0
            Best package (and maybe only 1) management for .NET
          CONS OF NUGET
            Be the first to leave a con

            related NuGet posts

            Meteor logo


            An ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework
            + 1
            PROS OF METEOR
            • 252
            • 200
              Full stack, one language
            • 183
              Best app dev platform available today
            • 155
              Data synchronization
            • 152
            • 118
              Focus on your product not the plumbing
            • 107
              Hot code pushes
            • 106
              Open source
            • 102
              Live page updates
            • 92
              Latency compensation
            • 39
              Ultra-simple development environment
            • 29
              Real time awesome
            • 29
              Smart Packages
            • 23
              Great for beginners
            • 22
              Direct Cordova integration
            • 16
              Better than Rails
            • 15
              Less moving parts
            • 13
              It's just amazing
            • 10
            • 8
              Great community support
            • 8
              Plugins for everything
            • 6
              One command spits out android and ios ready apps.
            • 5
              It just works
            • 5
              0 to Production in no time
            • 4
              Coding Speed
            • 4
              Easy deployment
            • 4
              Is Agile in development hybrid(mobile/web)
            • 4
              You can grok it in a day. No ng nonsense
            • 2
              Easy yet powerful
            • 2
              AngularJS Integration
            • 2
              One Code => 3 Platforms: Web, Android and IOS
            • 2
            • 1
              Easy Setup
            • 1
            • 1
            • 1
              Hookie friendly
            • 1
              High quality, very few bugs
            • 1
              Stack available on Codeanywhere
            • 1
              Real time
            • 1
              Friendly to use
            CONS OF METEOR
            • 5
              Does not scale well
            • 4
              Hard to debug issues on the server-side
            • 4
              Heavily CPU bound

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            Lucas Litton
            Founder & CEO at Macombey · | 13 upvotes · 545.4K views

            Next.js is probably the most enjoyable React framework our team could have picked. The development is an extremely smooth process, the file structure is beautiful and organized, and the speed is no joke. Our work with Next.js comes out much faster than if it was built on pure React or frameworks alike. We were previously developing all of our projects in Meteor before making the switch. We left Meteor due to the slow compiler and website speed. We deploy all of our Next.js projects on Vercel.

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            Composer logo


            Dependency Manager for PHP
            + 1
            PROS OF COMPOSER
            • 7
              Must have dependency manager for PHP
            • 3
              Centralized autoload.php
            • 3
              Large number of libraries
            CONS OF COMPOSER
              Be the first to leave a con

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              Elm logo


              A type inferred, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
              + 1
              PROS OF ELM
              • 45
                Code stays clean
              • 44
                Great type system
              • 40
                No Runtime Exceptions
              • 33
              • 28
                Easy to understand
              • 23
                Type safety
              • 22
              • 17
                JS fatigue
              • 12
                Ecosystem agrees on one Application Architecture
              • 12
              • 10
                Friendly compiler messages
              • 8
                Fast rendering
              • 7
                If it compiles, it runs
              • 7
                Welcoming community
              • 5
                Stable ecosystem
              • 4
                'Batteries included'
              • 2
              CONS OF ELM
              • 3
                No typeclasses -> repitition (i.e. map has 130versions)
              • 2
                JS interop can not be async
              • 2
                JS interoperability a bit more involved
              • 1
                More code is required
              • 1
                No JSX/Template
              • 1
                Main developer enforces "the correct" style hard
              • 1
                No communication with users
              • 1
                Backwards compability breaks between releases

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              Shared insights

              React is awesome, but is just a view library, when we need to manage state, there is Redux.js. The ecosystem of redux is big, complex and hard to integrate. That's why we choose to create hydux. Hydux is simple, the main idea is from Elm, a pure functional vdom-based framework for front-end. We seperate the whole app with state, actions and views. Which means not only our views are a tree, but also our state and actions. Reuse state and actions are just like reuse react components, no need to consider dependences.

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