HFST 999
Other | Cryoport
3 points

Tools sea51934 is Following

Stripe makes it easy for developers to accept credit cards on the web.
Enables organizations to build, test and deploy applications to production, utilizing continuous delivery p...
Loader.io is a free load testing service that allows you to stress test your web-apps/apis with thousands o...
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for d...
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technolog...
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it i...
C lang
ChocolateChip-UI is a framework for making mobile Web apps. It has three components: semantic HTML5 markup,...
Sails is designed to mimic the MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requi...
A decentralized platform for applications that run exactly as programmed without any chance of fraud, censo...
Google Maps
Create rich applications and stunning visualisations of your data, leveraging the comprehensiveness, accura...
Apache Hive
Hive facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL. S...
Coinbase provides a simple and powerful REST API to integrate bitcoin payments into your business or applic...
It is a comprehensive suite of tools aimed at helping companies improve their sales. It is designed to be a...
JitPack is an easy to use package repository for Gradle/Sbt and Maven projects. We build GitHub projects o...
Adobe Photoshop
It is the best in the world of graphic design and image processing software that will realize any of your i...
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser, 100% interoperable ...
GraphQL is a data query language and runtime designed and used at Facebook to request and deliver data to m...
Google Cloud Pla...
It helps you build what's next with secure infrastructure, developer tools, APIs, data analytics and machin...
JFrog Artifactory
It integrates with your existing ecosystem supporting end-to-end binary management that overcomes the compl...
Amazon Connect
The self-service graphical interface in Amazon Connect makes it easy for non-technical users to design cont...
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
Android OS
It is a mobile platform which powers phones, tablets, watches, TVs, cars etc. It makes doing business easie...
AWS App Mesh
AWS App Mesh is a service mesh based on the Envoy proxy that makes it easy to monitor and control container...
It is a bitcoin block explorer service, as well as a cryptocurrency wallet supporting bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash...
Google Cloud Code
Tools to help you write, deploy, and debug cloud-native applications quickly and easily. Extensions to IDEs...
Quasar Framework
Build responsive Single Page Apps, SSR Apps, PWAs, Hybrid Mobile Apps and Electron Apps, all using the same...
Render is a unified platform to build and run all your apps and websites with free SSL, a global CDN, priva...
It is an open source, typo tolerant search engine that delivers fast and relevant results out-of-the-box. h...
TigerGraph DB
It is the only scalable graph database for the enterprise which is based on the industry’s first Native and...
Cloudflare WAF
An intelligent, integrated and scalable solution to protect your business-critical web applications from ma...
Use the Messaging API to build bots that provide personalized experiences for your users on LINE. You as...
App Container Specification and Tooling.
Download, pull out of a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, and import XLS, ODS, XML, CSV, HTML, etc. i...
Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCo...