What is Quasar Framework?

Build responsive Single Page Apps, SSR Apps, PWAs, Hybrid Mobile Apps and Electron Apps, all using the same codebase!, powered with Vue.
Quasar Framework is a tool in the Front-End Frameworks category of a tech stack.
Quasar Framework is an open source tool with 26.4K GitHub stars and 3.6K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Quasar Framework's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Quasar Framework?

46 companies reportedly use Quasar Framework in their tech stacks, including Biting Bit, Primary Stack, and Jounce.

389 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Quasar Framework.

Quasar Framework Integrations

Vue.js, Electron, Linux, Windows, and Material Design are some of the popular tools that integrate with Quasar Framework. Here's a list of all 7 tools that integrate with Quasar Framework.
Pros of Quasar Framework
Excellent documentation
Deploy one codebase to web, desktop, mobile, and more
Lots of UI components
Extensive collection of components
Being able to bundle for almost all platform is awesome
Quasar App Extensions
Excelent performance
Great community
Open Source
Attention to Security
Material Design
It is easy because of vue
1 Cross Platform Android, IOS and Desktop
Cross Platform Andriod, IOS and Desktop
Vue 3 Support
Active and helpful community
Simple to use
Decisions about Quasar Framework

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Quasar Framework in their tech stack.

Needs advice
Quasar FrameworkQuasar Framework

The only two programming languages I know are Python and Dart, I fall in love with Dart when I learned about the type safeness, ease of refactoring, and the help of the IDE. I have an idea for an app, a simple app, but I need SEO and server rendering, and I also want it to be available on all platforms. I can't use Flutter or Dart anymore because of that. I have been searching and looks like there is no way to avoid learning HTML and CSS for this. I want to use Supabase as BASS, at the moment I think that I have two options if I want to learn the least amount of things because of my lack of time available:

  1. Quasar Framework: They claim that I can do all the things I need, but I have to use JavaScript, and I am going to have all those bugs with a type-safe programming language avoidable. I guess I can use TypeScript?, but that means learning both, and I am not sure if I will be able to use 100% Typescript. Besides Vue.js, Node.js, etc.

  2. Blazor and .NET: There is MAUI with razor bindings in .Net now, and also a Blazor server. And as far as I can see, the transition from Dart to C# will be easy. I guess that I have to learn some Javascript here and there, but I have to less things I guess, am I wrong? But Blazor is a new technology, Vue is widely used.

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Needs advice
Quasar FrameworkQuasar Framework

I am trying to build a Cordova app using Vue.js and Quasar Framework, should I use the Vue CLI or quasar CLI? Which would be better for extensibility?

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Needs advice
Quasar FrameworkQuasar Framework

We want to build an e/m-learning platform, so please guide us on choosing Quasar Framework or Vuetify? Our preferred tech stack is - Vue.js, GraphQL, Apollo. Which is best suited for the production-level UI framework?

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Bookla Foundation
Founder/CTO at Bookla Foundation · | 2 upvotes · 25.4K views
Needs advice
Quasar FrameworkQuasar Framework

I'm evaluating Flutter right now, and it's taking a while. Also, Quasar Framework seems like a viable option to have 2 phone apps and a web app? What are your thoughts?

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Shared insights
PostgreSQL ModelerPostgreSQL Modeler

Vue.js vuex Vue Router Quasar Framework Electron Node.js npm Yarn Git GitHub Netlify My tech stack that helps me develop quickly and efficiently. Wouldn't want it any other way.

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Paul Whittemore
Developer and Owner at Appurist Software · | 15 upvotes · 1.1M views

I'm building most projects using: Server: either Fastify (all projects going forward) or ExpressJS on Node.js (existing, previously) on the server side, and Client app: either Vuetify (currently) or Quasar Framework (going forward) on Vue.js with vuex on Electron for the UI to deliver both web-based and desktop applications for multiple platforms.

The direct support for Android and iOS in Quasar Framework will make it my go-to client UI platform for any new client-side or web work. On the server, I'll probably use Fastly for all my server work, unless I get into Go more in the future.

Update: The mobile support in Quasar is not a sufficiently compelling reason to move me from Vuetify. I have decided to stick with Vuetify for a UI for Vue, as it is richer in components and enables a really great-looking professional result. For mobile platforms, I will just use Cordova to wrap the Vue+Vuetify app for mobile, and Electron to wrap it for desktop platforms.

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Blog Posts

Vue.jsSpring BootUnity+7

Quasar Framework's Features

  • SPAs (Single Page App)
  • SSR (Server-side Rendered App)
  • PWAs (Progressive Web App)
  • Mobile apps (Android, iOS, …)
  • Electron
  • Vue.js
  • Full RTL support
  • Persian calendar
  • Material design 2
  • Complete documentation
  • Unit test ready

Quasar Framework Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Quasar Framework?
Vuetify is a component framework for Vue.js 2. It aims to provide clean, semantic and reusable components that make building your application a breeze. Vuetify utilizes Google's Material Design design pattern, taking cues from other popular frameworks such as Materialize.css, Material Design Lite, Semantic UI and Bootstrap 4.
Free and open source, Ionic offers a library of mobile and desktop-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components for building highly interactive apps. Use with Angular, React, Vue, or plain JavaScript.
Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable. You can use Nuxt.js for SSR, SPA, Static Generated, PWA and more.
React Native
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about - learn once, write anywhere. Facebook uses React Native in multiple production apps and will continue investing in React Native.
Flutter is a mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android.
See all alternatives

Quasar Framework's Followers
768 developers follow Quasar Framework to keep up with related blogs and decisions.