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A family of free and open source software operating systems based on the Linux kernel

What is Linux?

A clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.
Linux is a tool in the Operating Systems category of a tech stack.

Who uses Linux?

284 companies reportedly use Linux in their tech stacks, including Alibaba Travels, Trendyol Group, and Deliveroo.

2641 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Linux.

Linux Integrations

Docker, Sublime Text, OpenSSL, ASP.NET Core, and .NET Core are some of the popular tools that integrate with Linux. Here's a list of all 427 tools that integrate with Linux.
Pros of Linux
Open Source
Decisions about Linux

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Linux in their tech stack.

Needs advice
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

I have a strong familiarity with Jetbrains products, having used most of them since around 2015. However, in the past 6 months, I have started transitioning to Neovim as my primary "IDE". This is due to the extensive nature of my work, where I would typically load a different JetBrains product for each programming language I was working with. I wanted to reduce the amount of RAM I was using and have an easier time exporting my setup to weaker hardware.

My current setup, which is still a work in progress, consists of Neovim, tmux, and a few other applications. It took me a while, but I now feel much more comfortable working with this setup than I did with Jetbrains products. In the past, I often had to change my workflow or struggle with some of the tooling provided by JetBrains.

While I haven't worked with Java in a production environment for a few years, I have been working with TypeScript, PHP, Python, C++, and C#. Neovim works well for almost everything, but I do encounter some issues when working with .NET. In these cases, JetBrains Rider seems to be a better fit for C#, and I hope to resolve these issues. I also have an extensive ruleset setup (naming schemes and whatnot) in the JetBrains ecosystem that I have yet to find a suitable alternative of enforcement in Neovim.

However, I am now facing the prospect of returning to a Java stack at work. I'm wondering whether I should continue with Neovim and invest more time in configuring it and researching more about its Language Server Protocol (LSP) capabilities, or if I should return to IntelliJ and not waste the effort. Can Neovim be as good as, or almost as good as, IntelliJ for Java development? Talking about Kotlin is a plus, but my focus is on Java and potentially working with the Spring ecosystem.

I have used the JetBrains' vim plugin for about 2 years. It does not hold a candle to using nvim. Probably this shouldn't affect the question much, but: I am a Linux/Windows guy, however, I will be forced to use macOS at work.

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Needs advice

Issue Monitoring Database on Linux Laptop!

Hello everyone,

I'm having trouble monitoring my database on my Linux laptop. Whenever I try to access the database, I'm unable to view the data and I get error messages.

I've checked that the database is running properly, but that hasn't helped. I've also tried accessing the database from a different device, but the same issue occurs.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any suggestions on how to successfully monitor a database on a Linux laptop?

Thanks in advance.

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Needs advice

Hi All,

I'm looking to develop an ESP32-based local (that is the hub is on the same network) and small (usually no more than 10 devices per hub) IoT network over wifi.

For Most of the runtime, the devices report readings with max 1s frequency to the hub, and MQTT is great for this. But I'm looking for future needs such as FOTA, and maybe some RPC on the devices. MQTT can be used to execute functions (with the result reported on another topic) on the edge devices but it feels hacky and wrong long term.

I've looked at various IoT frameworks, but many are paid which is a non-starter or seems like overkill (like a cloud backend for millions of devices). I'm looking for the best tools for a small device network, running on a local resource-constrained Linux.

I'm hoping for open-ended feedback or some library recommendations for further reading, Many thanks in advance!

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John Conway
Needs advice
Oracle PL/SQLOracle PL/SQL
Power BIPower BI


Current status:

I designed an online assessment questionnaire. The application is written with PHP server-side scripting and an Oracle MySQL backend database. The data visualisation is utilising PowerBI connecting via the app using the PowerBI API. The application is hosted on a Linux server with the capacity to scale for larger groups available when required.

Future Needs:

I want to automate the processing of the results in the backend database and create individual and organisation results.

Can you advise how best to do this? Regards and thanks. John Conway

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Out of curiosity, when my coding instructor for Python did some commands on his computer, he told me learning any sort of terminal command interface (e.g. GNU Bash, PowerShell, Zsh ) will make me understand systems and how computers work and would make me know the basics of systems programming (although I am more into web development). I immediately went curious, out of my time, and looked up some command line interfaces to learn. It gave me bash, shell, zsh, powershell, etc. All these are really confusing, and they all seem the same. I want to be a terminal dweller, so which of the terminal related things should I learn? I think Bash, since it can replace Powershell on Windows, and has all the Linux/macOS systems.

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Needs advice

Hi Everyone, I need to choose a graphics framework for app development on Linux. Since I know Qt from previous projects it would be a straightforward choice for me but the cost is a huge issue in this project. Any advice for a free and nice framework to use for app development? The requested UI contains some dynamic elements, like graphs, etc. Thanks in advance!

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Blog Posts

Dec 8 2020 at 5:50PM


May 21 2020 at 12:02AM

Rancher Labs

KubernetesAmazon EC2Grafana+12

Linux's Features

  • Portable(Multiplatform)
  • Multitasking
  • Multi User
  • Multiprocessor SMP Support
  • Multithreading Support
  • Virtual Memory
  • Hierarchical File System
  • Graphical User Interface (X Window System)

Linux Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Linux?
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’. The Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.
Arch Linux
A lightweight and flexible Linux distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.
Android SDK
Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment.
Windows 10
It is the latest iteration of the Microsoft operating systems and has been optimized for home PC performance in a wide variety of applications from serious work to after-hours gaming.
A series of personal computer operating systems produced by Microsoft as part of its Windows NT family of operating systems.
See all alternatives

Linux's Followers
2408 developers follow Linux to keep up with related blogs and decisions.