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Vim's rebirth for the 21st century
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What is Neovim?

Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim in order to: simplify maintenance and encourage contributions, split the work between multiple developers, enable the implementation of new/modern user interfaces without any modifications to the core source, and improve extensibility with a new plugin architecture.
Neovim is a tool in the Text Editor category of a tech stack.
Neovim is an open source tool with 87.4K GitHub stars and 5.9K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Neovim's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Neovim?

30 companies reportedly use Neovim in their tech stacks, including Focus21 Inc., Mitigate, and GatewayAPI.

601 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Neovim.

Neovim Integrations

fzf, Oni, LunarVim, LazyVim, and NvChad are some of the popular tools that integrate with Neovim. Here's a list of all 12 tools that integrate with Neovim.
Pros of Neovim
Modern and more powerful Vim
Asynchronous plugins
Edit text fast
Great community
Vim plugins work out of the box
Built-in terminal support
Plugins in any language
External GUIs
Great Colorschemes
Extremely customizable
Decisions about Neovim

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Neovim in their tech stack.

Needs advice
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

I have a strong familiarity with Jetbrains products, having used most of them since around 2015. However, in the past 6 months, I have started transitioning to Neovim as my primary "IDE". This is due to the extensive nature of my work, where I would typically load a different JetBrains product for each programming language I was working with. I wanted to reduce the amount of RAM I was using and have an easier time exporting my setup to weaker hardware.

My current setup, which is still a work in progress, consists of Neovim, tmux, and a few other applications. It took me a while, but I now feel much more comfortable working with this setup than I did with Jetbrains products. In the past, I often had to change my workflow or struggle with some of the tooling provided by JetBrains.

While I haven't worked with Java in a production environment for a few years, I have been working with TypeScript, PHP, Python, C++, and C#. Neovim works well for almost everything, but I do encounter some issues when working with .NET. In these cases, JetBrains Rider seems to be a better fit for C#, and I hope to resolve these issues. I also have an extensive ruleset setup (naming schemes and whatnot) in the JetBrains ecosystem that I have yet to find a suitable alternative of enforcement in Neovim.

However, I am now facing the prospect of returning to a Java stack at work. I'm wondering whether I should continue with Neovim and invest more time in configuring it and researching more about its Language Server Protocol (LSP) capabilities, or if I should return to IntelliJ and not waste the effort. Can Neovim be as good as, or almost as good as, IntelliJ for Java development? Talking about Kotlin is a plus, but my focus is on Java and potentially working with the Spring ecosystem.

I have used the JetBrains' vim plugin for about 2 years. It does not hold a candle to using nvim. Probably this shouldn't affect the question much, but: I am a Linux/Windows guy, however, I will be forced to use macOS at work.

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Needs advice

Hi, so I have been contracted by a peer to create a website using React with Java as the backend for server-side applications. I have the project listed on GitHub, and you can find it by searching for my username. The question I have is what is the fastest way to correctly learn all the necessary technologies needed to host the website? I'm also learning Neovim because I used Visual Studio Code for a bit and hated it, so if anyone has advice relating to Neovim that would also be appreciated. Thanks for providing some advice, I have little idea of where I need to go and some direction would be well appreciated. Cheers! Jls

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Rogério R. Alcântara
Needs advice

For a Visual Studio Code/Atom developer that works mostly with Node.js/TypeScript/Ruby/Go and wants to get rid of graphic-text-editors-IDE-like at once, which one is worthy of investing time to pick up?

I'm a total n00b on the subject, but I've read good things about Neovim's Lua support, and I wonder what would be the VIM response/approach for it?

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Neovim's Features

  • More powerful plugins
  • Better GUI architecture
  • First-class support for embedding

Neovim Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Neovim?
Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set. Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is distributed free as charityware.
At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted. A tool you can customize to do anything, but also use productively on the first day without ever touching a config file. Atom is modern, approachable, and hackable to the core. We can't wait to see what you build with it.
Kakoune is a code editor heavily inspired by Vim, as such most of its commands are similar to vi’s ones. Kakoune can operate in two modes, normal and insertion. In insertion mode, keys are directly inserted into the current buffer. In normal mode, keys are used to manipulate the current selection and to enter insertion mode.
GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing.
SpaceVim is a Modular configuration, a bundle of custom settings and plugins, for Vim. It got inspired by spacemacs.
See all alternatives

Neovim's Followers
751 developers follow Neovim to keep up with related blogs and decisions.