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The smartest eSignature solution for you to sign, assign & manage documents online to grow your business.
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What is DottedSign?

It is a сross-platform (web and mobile) e-signature tool for you to sign, assign and manage documents online. Stop wasting time emailing signers, printing copies, and faxing paper. Just import your document, sign or request signatures, and hit send.
DottedSign is a tool in the Document Signature category of a tech stack.

Who uses DottedSign?

Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!

DottedSign's Features

  • Available on iOS, Android and Web
  • mobile-friendly UI
  • Manage signature tasks with a visual progress bar and search tool
  • Leave custom messages to all recipients and set up auto-reminder and expiry date
  • Assign various fields to signers in a designated order, including signatures, texts, and dates
  • Get documents from camera, email attachments, cloud services (e.g. OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox) and support to share a file link via web browser
  • Possess security and legality warranty by providing digital audit trails and OTP(one-time-password) verification
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!