What is Konva?
It is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications. It enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more.
Konva is a tool in the Javascript Utilities & Libraries category of a tech stack.
Konva is an open source tool with 12.2K GitHub stars and 961 GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Konva's open source repository on GitHub
Who uses Konva?
7 companies reportedly use Konva in their tech stacks, including myposter Frontend, BrikL Design App, and reThumbnail.
18 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Konva.
Konva Integrations
Konva's Features
- Built-in in support for HDPI devices with pixel ratio optimizations for sharp text and shapes
- Object Oriented API
- Node nesting and event bubbling
- High performance event detection via color map hashing
- Layering support
- Node caching to improve draw performance
- Nodes can be converted into data URLs, image data, or image objects Animation support
Konva Alternatives & Comparisons
What are some alternatives to Konva?
Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.
React Canvas
React Canvas adds the ability for React components to render to "canvas" rather than DOM. This project is a work-in-progress. Though much of the code is in production on flipboard.com, the React canvas bindings are relatively new and the API is subject to change.
It provides interactive object model on top of canvas element. Fabric also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser. Using Fabric.js, you can create and populate objects on canvas; objects like simple geometrical shapes
Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback
It is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. Emphasises on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework.