What is AlaSQL?
Open source SQL database for Javascript with a strong focus on query speed and datasource flexibility for relational data, schemaless data, and graph data. Works in your browser, Node.js and Cordova. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, and Excel.
AlaSQL is a tool in the Databases category of a tech stack.
AlaSQL is an open source tool with GitHub stars and GitHub forks. Here’s a link to AlaSQL's open source repository on GitHub
Who uses AlaSQL?
4 companies reportedly use AlaSQL in their tech stacks, including NovoLogic, Inc., wphackedhelp, and HarperDB Internal Apps.
25 developers on StackShare have stated that they use AlaSQL.
AlaSQL Integrations
AlaSQL's Features
- Run SQL queries directly on javascript data arrays.
- Bring the comfort of a full database engine to your javascript app.
- Fast SQL based in-memory data processing for BI and ERP applications on fat clients.
- Easy ETL and option for persistency by data import / manipulation / export for several formats.
- Merge SQL and JavaScript by defining costume SQL functions to transform or aggregate data.
- Easy access to read and write Excel, CSV, TAB, JSON, and text files.
AlaSQL Alternatives & Comparisons
What are some alternatives to AlaSQL?
SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine. Unlike most other SQL databases, SQLite does not have a separate server process. SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. A complete SQL database with multiple tables, indices, triggers, and views, is contained in a single disk file.
Written in JavaScript, works cross-browser. Provides SQL-like APIs that are fast, safe, and easy to use.
PouchDB enables applications to store data locally while offline, then synchronize it with CouchDB and compatible servers when the application is back online, keeping the user's data in sync no matter where they next login.
This API uses indexes to enable high-performance searches of this data. While Web Storage is useful for storing smaller amounts of data, it is less useful for storing larger amounts of structured data.
LokiJS is a document oriented database written in javascript, published under MIT License. Its purpose is to store javascript objects as documents in a nosql fashion and retrieve them with a similar mechanism. Runs in node (including cordova/phonegap and node-webkit), nativescript and the browser.