Bing Maps API vs Google Maps

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Bing Maps API

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Bing Maps API vs Google Maps: What are the differences?


Bing Maps API and Google Maps are both popular mapping platforms used by developers. While they share similar functionalities, there are several key differences between the two.

1. Pricing:

Bing Maps API offers a more flexible pricing structure with the option of per transaction billing, while Google Maps provides a flat fee based on usage.

2. Geocoding Accuracy:

Google Maps has consistently been considered more accurate in terms of geocoding and address matching compared to Bing Maps API.

3. Street View:

Only Google Maps offers the popular Street View feature, allowing users to virtually explore locations at street-level.

4. Customization Options:

Bing Maps API provides a greater degree of customization options, including the ability to choose different map styles and create custom overlays, whereas Google Maps offers a more standardized look and feel.

5. Traffic Information:

Google Maps provides more comprehensive and up-to-date traffic information compared to Bing Maps API.

6. Development Documentation:

Google Maps offers more extensive and detailed documentation for developers, making it easier to learn and implement their API compared to Bing Maps.

In Summary, Bing Maps API offers more flexible pricing options and customization features, but Google Maps excels in geocoding accuracy, Street View, traffic information, and developer documentation.

Advice on Bing Maps API and Google Maps
Adam Abdelmoula
CPO at Split Mobile Software · | 5 upvotes · 477.9K views

We need some advice about the map services provider. We are a mobility app that just launched 5 months ago in Tunisia offering P2P carpooling. We are currently using Google Maps API for maps (Places API, Geocoding API, Directions API & Distance Matrix API). Thus, we received expensive bills from Google Cloud following the number of requests we are using. We are looking forward to reduce the number of requests in general because we can't afford these large bills at this stage, knowing that they are going to increase proportionally to the active users of the app. We tried to optimize multiple times but it isn't enough. We are searching for optimization advice or ideas on how we use the APIs, or other map providers (like OpenStreetMap or similar) that offers free or cheaper options than Google Maps, without lacking quality of information (we are in Tunisia and we have to choose options that have enough data about Tunisia). Thanks!

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Gagan Jakhotiya
Engineering Manager at BigBasket · | 2 upvotes · 2.6K views

Besides OSM and Valhalla, you can also look into a combination of Google ORTools and OSRM. I personally haven't used Valhalla but OSM and ORTools is a powerful combination that can solve for use cases beyond routing, distance, and duration.

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  1. I would like to input a spreadsheet with names and associated addresses into a map program to; pinpoint all of the locations on a map. How can I do that? On which map? Are there field size limitations? All help would be appreciated.

  2. There is a subdivision that is about one(1) mile by 3/4 mile in size. Is there a map program that would create the most efficient way to drive all of the streets in the subdivision without a lot of doubling back?

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Replies (1)

You could use a low-code platform to read the spreadsheet and use them as input for the pin pointing. The most expert provider would HERE or TomTom for the best routing algoritmes. Input parameters would be dependent on the chosen provider.

I see your stack is mostly Google and I am not familiar with that. But we have implemented this through the M365 Teams/SharePoint, Excell, MS PowerPlatform, our WMS and Azure.

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From a StackShare Community member: "We're a team of two starting to write a mobile app. The app will heavily rely on maps and this is where my partner and I are not seeing eye-to-eye. I would like to go with an open source solution like OpenStreetMap that is used by Apple & Foursquare. He would like to go with Google Maps since more apps use it and has better support (according to him). Mapbox is also an option but I don’t know much about it."

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Replies (6)

I use Mapbox because We need 3D maps and navigation, it has a great plugin for React and React Native which we use. Also the Mapbox Geocoder is great.

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I use OpenStreetMap because that has a strong community. It takes some time to catch up with Google Maps, but OpenStreetMap will become great solution.

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Blair Gemmer
Software Engineer at VYNYL · | 2 upvotes · 168.4K views
Google MapsGoogle Maps

Google Maps is best because it is practically free (they give you $300 in free credits per month and it's really hard to go over the free tier unless you really mean business) and it's the best!

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Google MapsGoogle Maps

I use Google Maps because it has a lot of great features such as Google's rich APIs, geolocation functions, navigation search feature, street map view, auto-generated 3D city map.

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Its open source and we use it.

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Fabio Fraga Machado

I use OpenStreetMap because i have the control of the environment, using Docker containers or bare-metal servers.

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Pros of Bing Maps API
Pros of Google Maps
  • 1
  • 253
  • 136
    Address input through maps api
  • 81
    Sharable Directions
  • 47
    Google Earth
  • 46
  • 3
    Custom maps designing

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Cons of Bing Maps API
Cons of Google Maps
    Be the first to leave a con
    • 4
      Google Attributions and logo
    • 1
      Only map allowed alongside google place autocomplete

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    What is Bing Maps API?

    The Bing Maps platform provides multiple API options for your application including Web Control, a Windows Store apps control, a WPF control, REST Services, and Spatial Data Services. Use the information below as well as at MSDN to help determine which API bests suits your needs.

    What is Google Maps?

    Create rich applications and stunning visualisations of your data, leveraging the comprehensiveness, accuracy, and usability of Google Maps and a modern web platform that scales as you grow.

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    What are some alternatives to Bing Maps API and Google Maps?
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