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CodeNav vs LGTM: What are the differences?

Developers describe CodeNav as "A browser extension that improves code navigation on Github". CodeNav is a Chrome extension and Firefox addon that makes navigating code on Github easier and more intuitive. It borrows features from popular IDEs for more seamless movement around code. Hover over a variable to highlight other references and visualize them on your scrollbar. Click a variable or object to search for other instances in the same project. On the other hand, LGTM is detailed as "A simple pull request approval system for GitHub". LGTM is a simple pull request approval system using GitHub protected branches and maintainers files. Pull requests are locked and cannot be merged until the minimum number of approvals are received. Project maintainers can indicate their approval by commenting on the pull request and including LGTM (looks good to me) in their approval text.

CodeNav and LGTM can be categorized as "Tools for GitHub" tools.

CodeNav and LGTM are both open source tools. It seems that LGTM with 936 GitHub stars and 92 forks on GitHub has more adoption than CodeNav with 125 GitHub stars and 19 GitHub forks.

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What is CodeNav?

CodeNav is a Chrome extension and Firefox addon that makes navigating code on Github easier and more intuitive. It borrows features from popular IDEs for more seamless movement around code. Hover over a variable to highlight other references and visualize them on your scrollbar. Click a variable or object to search for other instances in the same project.

What is LGTM?

LGTM is a simple pull request approval system using GitHub protected branches and maintainers files. Pull requests are locked and cannot be merged until the minimum number of approvals are received. Project maintainers can indicate their approval by commenting on the pull request and including LGTM (looks good to me) in their approval text.

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    What tools integrate with CodeNav?
    What tools integrate with LGTM?
    What are some alternatives to CodeNav and LGTM?
    It is a client library targeting .NET 4.5 and above that provides an easy way to interact with the GitHub API.
    When run, this command line interface automatically generates a new GitHub Release and populates it with the changes (commits) made since the last release.
    GitHub Desktop
    It is an open-source multi-platform GUI Git client designed for working with GitHub repositories. Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git. Whether you're new to Git or a seasoned user, it simplifies your development workflow.
    GitHub CLI
    It is a free and open-source command-line for GitHub. It provides GitHub's graphical features like pull requests, issues, releases, etc. into a terminal. So, anyone can perform the whole GitHub operation from a terminal or with a script.
    Prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations from reaching production with Datree’s automated policy checks for your pipeline. The open-source CLI tool empowers engineers to write more stable configurations, so they can actually sleep at night.
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