Microsoft SQL Server vs Sybase

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Microsoft SQL Server

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Microsoft SQL Server vs Sybase: What are the differences?

Both Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase are relational database management systems that offer similar functionalities but have distinct characteristics and features. Let's explore the key differences between Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase.

  1. Concurrency Control and Transaction Isolation Levels: Microsoft SQL Server supports multiple concurrency control mechanisms and provides a wide range of transaction isolation levels, including READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, and SERIALIZABLE. Sybase, on the other hand, offers a limited set of transaction isolation levels, with the default being REPEATABLE READ. SQL Server provides more flexibility in managing concurrent transactions and offers higher levels of isolation.

  2. Partitioning and Parallel Processing: Microsoft SQL Server provides built-in support for partitioning large tables and allows parallel query execution, enhancing performance and scalability in data-intensive scenarios. Sybase, however, lacks built-in partitioning capabilities and has limited support for parallel processing. SQL Server outperforms Sybase in handling large datasets and executing complex queries more efficiently.

  3. Business Intelligence (BI) Integration: Microsoft SQL Server offers tight integration with the Microsoft BI platform, including tools such as SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). These tools enable seamless data integration, analytical processing, and reporting services. Although Sybase supports BI functionalities to some extent, it lacks the comprehensive integration and rich set of tools provided by SQL Server.

  4. Availability and High Availability (HA) Solutions: Microsoft SQL Server provides various high availability solutions, such as Always On Availability Groups and Failover Cluster Instances, which ensure continuous database access and minimize downtime. Sybase offers similar HA solutions like Replication Server and Cluster Edition, but they may not provide the same level of scalability, ease-of-use, and flexibility offered by SQL Server's HA features.

  5. Development and Management Tools: Microsoft SQL Server offers a comprehensive set of development and management tools, including SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for database administration, Visual Studio for application development, and Azure Data Studio for cross-platform database management. Sybase provides its own management tools like Sybase Central and SQL Advantage, but they may not match the extensive features and integration provided by the Microsoft toolset.

  6. Platform Compatibility and Support: Microsoft SQL Server runs primarily on Windows operating systems and has excellent support for Windows-based enterprise environments. Sybase, on the other hand, supports both Windows and UNIX platforms, making it a more suitable choice for heterogeneous environments. Depending on the specific platform requirements, SQL Server or Sybase can be preferred based on their compatibility and support options.

In summary, Microsoft SQL Server offers enhanced concurrency control and transaction isolation levels, built-in partitioning and parallel processing capabilities, comprehensive BI integration, advanced high availability solutions, a rich set of development and management tools, and excellent support for Windows-based environments. Sybase, on the other hand, has platform compatibility advantages and may be suitable for heterogeneous environments.

Advice on Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase

I am a Microsoft SQL Server programmer who is a bit out of practice. I have been asked to assist on a new project. The overall purpose is to organize a large number of recordings so that they can be searched. I have an enormous music library but my songs are several hours long. I need to include things like time, date and location of the recording. I don't have a problem with the general database design. I have two primary questions:

  1. I need to use either MySQL or PostgreSQL on a Linux based OS. Which would be better for this application?
  2. I have not dealt with a sound based data type before. How do I store that and put it in a table? Thank you.
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Replies (6)

Hi Erin,

Honestly both databases will do the job just fine. I personally prefer Postgres.

Much more important is how you store the audio. While you could technically use a blob type column, it's really not ideal to be storing audio files which are "several hours long" in a database row. Instead consider storing the audio files in an object store (hosted options include backblaze b2 or aws s3) and persisting the key (which references that object) in your database column.

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Aaron Westley

Hi Erin, Chances are you would want to store the files in a blob type. Both MySQL and Postgres support this. Can you explain a little more about your need to store the files in the database? I may be more effective to store the files on a file system or something like S3. To answer your qustion based on what you are descibing I would slighly lean towards PostgreSQL since it tends to be a little better on the data warehousing side.

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Christopher Wray
Web Developer at Soltech LLC · | 3 upvotes · 441K views

Hey Erin! I would recommend checking out Directus before you start work on building your own app for them. I just stumbled upon it, and so far extremely happy with the functionalities. If your client is just looking for a simple web app for their own data, then Directus may be a great option. It offers "database mirroring", so that you can connect it to any database and set up functionality around it!

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Julien DeFrance
Principal Software Engineer at Tophatter · | 3 upvotes · 440.6K views
Amazon AuroraAmazon Aurora

Hi Erin! First of all, you'd probably want to go with a managed service. Don't spin up your own MySQL installation on your own Linux box. If you are on AWS, thet have different offerings for database services. Standard RDS vs. Aurora. Aurora would be my preferred choice given the benefits it offers, storage optimizations it comes with... etc. Such managed services easily allow you to apply new security patches and upgrades, set up backups, replication... etc. Doing this on your own would either be risky, inefficient, or you might just give up. As far as which database to chose, you'll have the choice between Postgresql, MySQL, Maria DB, SQL Server... etc. I personally would recommend MySQL (latest version available), as the official tooling for it (MySQL Workbench) is great, stable, and moreover free. Other database services exist, I'd recommend you also explore Dynamo DB.

Regardless, you'd certainly only keep high-level records, meta data in Database, and the actual files, most-likely in S3, so that you can keep all options open in terms of what you'll do with them.

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Hi Erin,

  • Coming from "Big" DB engines, such as Oracle or MSSQL, go for PostgreSQL. You'll get all the features you need with PostgreSQL.
  • Your case seems to point to a "NoSQL" or Document Database use case. Since you get covered on this with PostgreSQL which achieves excellent performances on JSON based objects, this is a second reason to choose PostgreSQL. MongoDB might be an excellent option as well if you need "sharding" and excellent map-reduce mechanisms for very massive data sets. You really should investigate the NoSQL option for your use case.
  • Starting with AWS Aurora is an excellent advise. since "vendor lock-in" is limited, but I did not check for JSON based object / NoSQL features.
  • If you stick to Linux server, the PostgreSQL or MySQL provided with your distribution are straightforward to install (i.e. apt install postgresql). For PostgreSQL, make sure you're comfortable with the pg_hba.conf, especially for IP restrictions & accesses.


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Klaus Nji
Staff Software Engineer at SailPoint Technologies · | 1 upvotes · 440.7K views

I recommend Postgres as well. Superior performance overall and a more robust architecture.

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Pros of Microsoft SQL Server
Pros of Sybase
  • 139
    Reliable and easy to use
  • 101
    High performance
  • 95
    Great with .net
  • 65
    Works well with .net
  • 56
    Easy to maintain
  • 21
    Azure support
  • 17
    Full Index Support
  • 17
    Always on
  • 10
    Enterprise manager is fantastic
  • 9
    In-Memory OLTP Engine
  • 2
    Security is forefront
  • 2
    Easy to setup and configure
  • 1
    Docker Delivery
  • 1
    Columnstore indexes
  • 1
    Great documentation
  • 1
    Faster Than Oracle
  • 1
    Decent management tools
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    Cons of Microsoft SQL Server
    Cons of Sybase
    • 4
      Expensive Licensing
    • 2
      Be the first to leave a con

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