What is Taiga.io?
Taiga is a project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers who want a simple, beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable.
Over 55,000 developers & designers and over 52,0000 projects in first 10 months.
Taiga.io is a tool in the Agile Project Management category of a tech stack.
Who uses Taiga.io?
39 companies reportedly use Taiga.io in their tech stacks, including Brainhub, developer, and stack.
149 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Taiga.io.
Taiga.io Integrations
GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Sentry, and Zulip are some of the popular tools that integrate with Taiga.io. Here's a list of all 9 tools that integrate with Taiga.io.
Pros of Taiga.io
Taiga.io's Features
- Open Source. Free. Agile Project Management. We code and design for a living. We’re crazy about Agile
- it makes us better at our jobs and our customers love it. We believe in Open Source because we are part of a global community that thrives on sharing creativity and skill. We love our work. And we want to be happy doing it. But the Project Management Tools that are out there weren't making us happy. In fact we hated the whole lot of them. Bloated, slow, ugly to look at and unintuitive, we just couldn't stand the sight of them a moment longer. So we banished them from browsers and built our own dream tool.
Taiga.io Alternatives & Comparisons
What are some alternatives to Taiga.io?
Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
Jira's secret sauce is the way it simplifies the complexities of software development into manageable units of work.
Jira comes out-of-the-box with everything agile teams need to ship value to customers faster.
Whether you’re maintaining a personal todo list, planning your holidays with some friends, or working in a team on your next revolutionary idea, Kanban boards are an unbeatable tool to keep your things organized. They give you a visual overview of the current state of your project, and make you productive by allowing you to focus on the few items that matter the most.
Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.
It is an open source software for project management with a wide set of features and plugins and an active international community.