What is Helios.io?
It is a free, open-source monitoring tool that users can connect to AWS and easily track key metrics and logs.
It is preconfigured to track the three main components of AWS serverless applications: Lambda Metrics, Logs, and API Gateway.
Helios.io is a tool in the Cloud Monitoring category of a tech stack.
Helios.io is an open source tool with 60 GitHub stars and 9 GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Helios.io's open source repository on GitHub
Who uses Helios.io?
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Helios.io's Features
- Easy-to-use
- Monitoring tool for your AWS serverless applications
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!