Mateusz Sowiński
Senior Frontend Developer | Seville More Helory
3 points

Tools mateuszsowinski is Following

Firebase is a cloud service designed to power real-time, collaborative applications. Simply add the Firebas...
Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replace...
Vagrant provides the framework and configuration format to create and manage complete portable development ...
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technolog...
jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
npm is the command-line interface to the npm ecosystem. It is battle-tested, surprisingly flexible, and use...
Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's ...
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments...
TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. It's a typed superset of JavaScript ...
A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows t...
It is an online service which offers a subscription library of high-quality fonts. The fonts may be used di...
Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's built and ru...
HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used for structuring and presenting content for ...
Google Fonts
A library of 915 free licensed fonts, an interactive web directory for browsing the library, and APIs for c...
React Native
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consisten...
PostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JS plugins. These plugins can support variables and mixins, tra...
Chrome DevTools
It is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. It can help you edit page...
It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, an...
Goals for ECMAScript 2015 include providing better support for large applications, library creation, and fo...
Visual Studio Code
Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform - L...
t is a format that works with HTTP. A main goal of the specification is to optimize HTTP requests both in ...
Figma is the first interface design tool with real-time collaboration. It keeps everyone on the same page. ...