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What is Nikola?

It is a Python package that allows the user to create static websites using Python metadata. Static websites are safer, use fewer resources, and avoid vendor and platform lock-in.
Nikola is a tool in the Static Site Generators category of a tech stack.
Nikola is an open source tool with 2.6K GitHub stars and 457 GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Nikola's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses Nikola?

Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!

Nikola's Features

  • Host anywhere
  • Fast rebuilds
  • Multiple input formats
  • Batteries included
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!
Uh Oh! Looks like Something went wrong on our end!