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PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!
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What is PHPStan?

It focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it. It catches whole classes of bugs even before you write tests for the code. It moves PHP closer to compiled languages in the sense that the correctness of each line of the code can be checked before you run the actual line.
PHPStan is a tool in the Code Review category of a tech stack.
PHPStan is an open source tool with 13.3K GitHub stars and 915 GitHub forks. Here’s a link to PHPStan's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses PHPStan?

55 companies reportedly use PHPStan in their tech stacks, including TransferGo, Ornikar, and Extensions.

119 developers on StackShare have stated that they use PHPStan.

PHPStan Integrations

PHP, WordPress, Laravel, Symfony, and Drupal are some of the popular tools that integrate with PHPStan. Here's a list of all 12 tools that integrate with PHPStan.

PHPStan's Features

  • Static Analysis Tool
  • Focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it
  • Extensible

PHPStan Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to PHPStan?
SonarQube provides an overview of the overall health of your source code and even more importantly, it highlights issues found on new code. With a Quality Gate set on your project, you will simply fix the Leak and start mechanically improving.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
Visual Studio Code
Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.
The Docker Platform is the industry-leading container platform for continuous, high-velocity innovation, enabling organizations to seamlessly build and share any application — from legacy to what comes next — and securely run them anywhere
See all alternatives

PHPStan's Followers
97 developers follow PHPStan to keep up with related blogs and decisions.