CB Defense vs Virgil Security

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CB Defense

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Virgil Security

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Virgil Security vs CB Defense: What are the differences?

What is Virgil Security? We make every developer into an applied cryptologist. Virgil consists of an open-source encryption library, which implements CMS and ECIES(including RSA schema), a Key Management API, and a cloud-based Key Management Service.

What is CB Defense? Next-generation Antivirus + EDR. Next-generation antivirus + endpoint detection and response (EDR) delivered through a cloud-native endpoint protection platform (EPP) that consolidates security using a single agent, console, and dataset to stop malware and non-malware attacks.

Virgil Security and CB Defense belong to "Security" category of the tech stack.

Some of the features offered by Virgil Security are:

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Passwordless authentication
  • Data verification

On the other hand, CB Defense provides the following key features:

  • Stop malware, ransomware, and non-malware attacks
  • Prevent attacks automatically, online and offline
  • Block emerging, never-before-seen attacks that other solutions may miss

Virgil Security is an open source tool with 141 GitHub stars and 12 GitHub forks. Here's a link to Virgil Security's open source repository on GitHub.

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Pros of CB Defense
Pros of Virgil Security
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      Saves me time and money
    • 1
      Added end-to-end encryption in minutes
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      Quick and easy to implement & deploy
    • 1
      Easy API / SDK on every platform I need

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    What is CB Defense?

    Next-generation antivirus + endpoint detection and response (EDR) delivered through a cloud-native endpoint protection platform (EPP) that consolidates security using a single agent, console, and dataset to stop malware and non-malware attacks.

    What is Virgil Security?

    Virgil consists of an open-source encryption library, which implements CMS and ECIES(including RSA schema), a Key Management API, and a cloud-based Key Management Service.

    Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

    What tools integrate with CB Defense?
    What tools integrate with Virgil Security?
      No integrations found
      What are some alternatives to CB Defense and Virgil Security?
      It is a cloud-native endpoint security platform combines Next-Gen Av, EDR, Threat Intelligence, Threat Hunting, and much more.
      It is Cybersecurity Evolved. Advanced Endpoint Protection and Network Security Fully Synchronized in Real Time.
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