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Periscope vs QlikView: What are the differences?
Periscope: Periscope plugs directly into your database and lets you run, save and share analyses over billions of data rows in seconds. Periscope is a data analysis tool that uses pre-emptive in-memory caching and statistical sampling to run data analyses really, really fast; QlikView: A Business Intelligence platform for turning data into knowledge. It is a business discovery platform that provides self-service BI for all business users in organizations. With this tool, you can analyze data and use your data discoveries to support decision making.
Periscope and QlikView can be categorized as "Business Intelligence" tools.
According to the StackShare community, Periscope has a broader approval, being mentioned in 21 company stacks & 18 developers stacks; compared to QlikView, which is listed in 6 company stacks and 4 developer stacks.
Pros of Periscope
- Great for learning and teaching people SQL6
- Gorgeous "share-able" and "embeddable" dashboards4