Joe Wong
3 points

Tools wsjwong is Following

GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over t...
Bitbucket gives teams one place to plan projects, collaborate on code, test and deploy, all with free priva...
Google Analytics
Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social netwo...
With Parse, you can add a scalable and powerful backend in minutes and launch a full-featured app in record...
Heroku is a cloud application platform – a new way of building and deploying web apps. Heroku lets app deve...
Google Drive
Keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos, and more. Your first 15 GB of storage are free...
BrowserStack is the leading test platform built for developers & QAs to expand test coverage, scale & optim...
Continuous integration and delivery platform helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence by a...
PayPal is an online payments and money transfer service that allows you to send money via email, phone, tex...
The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are th...
Shopify powers tens of thousands of online retailers including General Electric, Amnesty International, Cro...
Skype’s text, voice and video make it simple to share experiences with the people that matter to you, where...
Sublime Text
Sublime Text is available for OS X, Windows and Linux. One license is all you need to use Sublime Text on e...
GitHub Pages
Public webpages hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.
VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. N...
Free and open source, Ionic offers a library of mobile and desktop-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components fo... is a free web-based platform that puts the power of the machine readable web in your hands. Using...
Ruby is a language of careful balance. Its creator, Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, blended parts of his favorit...
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for d...
AngularJS lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser. It lets you use good...
MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents that can vary in structure, offering a dynamic, flexible schema....
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects ...
Think of Jekyll as a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdow...
npm is the command-line interface to the npm ecosystem. It is battle-tested, surprisingly flexible, and use...
Markdown is two things: (1) a plain text formatting syntax; and (2) a software tool, written in Perl, that ...
A Meteor application is a mix of JavaScript that runs inside a client web browser, JavaScript that runs on ...
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments...
Medium is a different kind of place on the internet. A place where the measure of success isn’t views, but ...
It is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. Emphasises on web standards gives you ...
Material Design ...
Material Design is a specification for a unified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adap...
Apache Cordova
Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function s...
HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used for structuring and presenting content for ...
PouchDB enables applications to store data locally while offline, then synchronize it with CouchDB and comp...