Avatar of MeStrak

NestJS is an excellent framework (they both are). I would say the fact that you're working with Angular makes NestJS a great match, unless you're splitting front and back end between developers. But even in that case I would still go with NestJS for a new project.

Regarding the single threading point, take a look at PM2 which helps to run Node in multiple processes (we use it with NestJS) https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/cluster-mode/

Also regarding web server performance in general this is an interesting post showing how Node with outperform Java in a web situation (be careful though, best to check a few posts to make sure these aren't totally biased benchmarks!): https://www.tandemseven.com/blog/performance-java-vs-node/

8 upvotes·1 comment·680.8K views
Slimane Deb
Slimane Deb
July 16th 2020 at 12:59AM

Thank you for passing by. Those are some great resources. I will check them and setup my mind.


I also recommend NestJS based on your description. Same language as the front end which is good as there are only two of you, and the structure of NestJS apps is inspired by Angular so it will feel very familiar. JWT and MongoDB also well supported (obviously that's the same for Spring too though).

We use it for all web applications, it's a great framework.

3 upvotes·1 comment·1.2K views
Daniel Glazer
Daniel Glazer
September 16th 2020 at 8:27AM

Support this answer... Even if you use angularJs still typescript and JavaScript are very similar
