Avatar of Nash Nziramasanga

Nash Nziramasanga

Software Developer at Billow Software
Avatar of NyashaNziramasanga
Software Developer at Billow Software·

Its easier to use Firebase when it comes to storing and fetching images on React Native projects, also there are plugins for auto-resizing uploaded images

7 upvotes·17.7K views
Avatar of NyashaNziramasanga
Software Developer at Billow Software·
Needs advice

Im building a simple portfolio website using Next.js and all the content is static, what's the best between Contentful and Sanity.

I really like the self-hosting and custom layout with sanity however I don't think time customizing is worth it anymore.

Any thoughts

3 upvotes·112K views
Replies (1)

Hi Nash,

Both have generous free tiers to get going. I find the Contentful free tier (Community) a bit more generous. And I work for Contentful - so I know have bias haha.

See the article I'm including here with the fair-usage policy to learn more.

Fair Use Policy | Contentful (contentful.com)
2 upvotes·1 comment·499 views
Knut Melvær
Knut Melvær
October 26th 2021 at 9:14AM

I'm working for Sanity.io – so my interest here is clear, but I'll try my best to relay the objective information.

The generosity depends on how you compare. The biggest difference is that Contentful limits you to 1 free project per organization, while Sanity.io lets you make as many free projects as you want. Contentful will limit you on 48 content types, while Sanity gives you 2000 “unique attributes”, which is far more (it's counted that way because Sanity offers a real-time content lake where you can store JSON documents and it's not limited to the schema you set up in the Studio).

The “fair use” on Contentful's free plan also has hard limits, so even though they give you a bit more on some parameters (users and environments/datasets), Sanity.io offers you pay-as-you-go for API usage on the free plan as well. Contentful gives you 2 locales for free, while Sanity doesn't limit you.

Feel free to reach out to me in our community (slack.sanity.io), on Twitter (@kmelve), or email (knut@sanity.io). I would love to learn more about your hesitations about customizing the studio.

Avatar of NyashaNziramasanga
Software Developer at Billow Software·

Since you are already using JavaScript on the front end it would be easy to adopt the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS) stack which s all javascript based making it easy to transfer knowledge with the backend and front end

1 upvote·248.7K views