Avatar of Eugene Cheah

Eugene Cheah

CTO at Uilicious
CTO at Uilicious·

Our CLI was originally written Node.js with npm , 2 years ago. We have now migrated to Go !

It was something we quickly hacked together at the early beginnings of Uilicious when our focus was to move fast and iterate the product quickly. We wanted to roll out the CLI ASAP, so that users with a CI/CD can hook up their tests to their front-end deployment pipeline.

However after 2 years, with NPM dependency hell pains - We decided to migrate our CLI toolchain to Go for

  • Zero deployment dependencies
  • Single file distribution (and backwards compatible with NPM)

Happy with how it is : article covers the decision in much deeper details


Why we migrated our CLI from NodeJS to GoLang 💻 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 (dev.to)
18 upvotes·316.9K views
CTO at Uilicious·

For inboxkitten.com, an opensource disposable email service;

We migrated our serverless workload from Cloud Functions for Firebase to CloudFlare workers, taking advantage of the lower cost and faster-performing edge computing of Cloudflare network. Made possible due to our extremely low CPU and RAM overhead of our serverless functions.

If I were to summarize the limitation of Cloudflare (as oppose to firebase/gcp functions), it would be ...

  1. <5ms CPU time limit
  2. Incompatible with express.js
  3. one script limitation per domain

Limitations our workload is able to conform with (YMMV)

For hosting of static files, we migrated from Firebase to CommonsHost

More details on the trade-off in between both serverless providers is in the article

Why we migrated opensource 😼inboxkitten (77 million serverless request) from 🔥Firebase to ☁️Cloudflare workers & 🐑CommonsHost - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 (dev.to)
14 upvotes·580.6K views