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We had contemplated a long time which #JavascriptMvcFrameworks to use, React and React Native vs AngularJS and Apache Cordova in both web and mobile. Eventually we chose react over angular since it was quicker to learn, less code for simple apps and quicker integration of third party javascript modules. for the full MVC we added Redux.js for state management and redux-saga for async calls and logic. since we also have mobile app along with the web, we can shere logic and model between web and mobile.

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#PackageManagers After a long time where npm failed to install packages and lot's of googling on answers, we switched to Yarn and alomost all those problems where solved. Today i mostly use "yarn add" instead of "npm install --save".

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Zoheb Akhtar
Zoheb Akhtar
December 30th 2018 at 9:57AM

I have been having similar problems with npm on our dev machines ever since I started getting into the SharePoint Framework. Some things work with the new Node.JS version in one machine and the other times it fails. I'll try Yarn and see if it helps

Amir Aharon
Amir Aharon
December 31st 2018 at 8:00AM

Yes, most of our problems with npm where from different version of node.js.

Adnan Fayaz
Adnan Fayaz
January 2nd 2019 at 6:13AM

Switching to Yarn may be the right option, But you need to stick to that. Npm has alot of packages in it. NPM fails to install some of the packages because it has much dependencies. You should try to delete node_modules folder and package-lock.json file that creates an issue sometimes and re-install the packages.

January 6th 2019 at 11:10PM

React isn't a framework and Redux is mostly misused as client side views into a DB. Take a look at Apollo Kit by SysGears, a React-based boilerplate that uses Apollo which is far more powerful and correctly implemented. Redux is a joke.


Hi Teja, Jenkins is more a CI/CD tool for triggering build/test and other CD tasks, from what you're describing you may be able to get along with #Jenkins and add lot's of plugins and create pipelines. But, eventually you're going to need to know #Groovy language to orchestrate all those tasks which is going to be similar to what you do with #Airflow, So, IMHO , Airflow is more for production scheduled tasks and Jenkins is more for CI/CD non-production tasks.

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Hi, The main difference between them is that #Angular r is sort of a complete framework, while #React is just the engine. you can start an app with react very quickly, I think it's best for MVP in that way, after that you'll have to add react extensions to get a full production based app (e.g. #Redux and #Redux-saga ), som it you want to start fast a not wasting time on the learning curve, #React is better.

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I use Mapbox because We need 3D maps and navigation, it has a great plugin for React and React Native which we use. Also the Mapbox Geocoder is great.

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I use Kafka because it's scalabiity and durability, it's not a small scale solution, if you need small scale you should try rabbit mq instead.

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For async requests in React I use redux-saga , to my opinion it is the most organized framework for async requests, it is clearer then redux-thunk and conforms to the style of Redux.js which results in a more structured project, especially in large web applications. #redux-saga

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PythonPythonVisual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

I use Visual Studio Code because it's easy to work with, very lightweight and has lot of useful extensions, especially if you developing for the web. Also very lightweight IDE for Python.

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