Avatar of Jordan Gregory

Jordan Gregory

Cloud Operations Manager at Plainsight AI
Avatar of j4ng5y
Cloud Operations Manager at Plainsight AI·

I've worked with all three of these languages and also with Java developers converting to these languages and far and away Go is the easier one to convert to. With the improved cold-start times and the ease of conversion for a Java developer, it is a no-brainer for me.

The hardest part of the conversion though is going to be the lack of traditional Classes so you have to be mindful of that, but Go Structs and interfaces tend to make up for what is lost there.

Full Disclosure: I'm a 95% Go convert (from Python) at this point in time.

4 upvotes·430.8K views
Avatar of j4ng5y
Cloud Operations Manager at Plainsight AI·

A number of years ago; I had done python for a long time prior to learning about Go. Most of what I wrote was system-like things and web-things in python, and I got tired of running into the lack-of-a-type-system problems that python gave me. I wanted to switch to a compiled, strongly-typed system that wasn't C/C++ (been there, done that, got the "shoot yourself in the foot" t-shirt). I looked into both Rust/Go, and for what I wanted to do (system/web) stuff ... at the time, Go was the strongest candidate, so I switched and never went back. Recently I started to re-look at Rust for system things, but for anything I do that I have to touch the web with, it will be Go from now on.

3 upvotes·162.7K views