I would like to generate all the repetitive code in order to bootstrap my Java project. I need to define my own models. I want to be able to customize everything in what will be generated. JHipster is more popular but seems to be really related to the Spring Framework. Telosys supports multi-languages, multi-frameworks, and is highly customizable. Any feedback about these 2 tools?
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Replies (1)
I can’t speak for Telosys, since I’ve never heard of it until now. In addition to being designed primarily for Spring Boot-based Java services, JHipster has “blueprints” that can be used to generate functional starter code for Micronaut, Quarkus, Node.js, and .NET applications. (Scroll to “Sample & Sources” here: https://www.jhipster.tech/)
2 upvotes·4.4K views