Hey everyone,
I am using Nylas on the backend for my product to schedule events. I am trying to recreate the front-end UI that is very similar to Calendly. It is called Scheduling Page UI in Nylas. They are basically the same model. Calendar of available day on the left and available time slots on the right. User chooses day -> Time slots are shown -> User Confirms timeslots.
I am wondering if there are out-of-the-box React components that can help me build this. I see it as 3 components: Calendar on the left, time on the right, and Confirm trigger. CSS animation to reveal the Confirm button.
I attached the image of Nylas, the vendor we are using. You may wonder, why do I need to build this from scratch if they already have it? It is because the API for this Scheduling Page UI is not a part of our package to use their virtual calendar on the backend to allow my users to schedule multiple events. It is a different service. They advise we building the front-end separately and use Web-hooks to connect the metadata, etc.
SUPER GREAT COMPANY! But I need some help to build the image you see in the next few days.
Any suggestions on components that I can use to piece this UI together?