Avatar of Dustin Falgout

Dustin Falgout

Senior Developer at Elegant Themes
Senior Developer at Elegant Themes·

We use CircleCI because of the better value it provides in its plans. I'm sure we could have used Travis just as easily but we found CircleCI's pricing to be more reasonable. In the two years since we signed up, the service has improved. CircleCI is always innovating and iterating on their platform. We have been very satisfied.

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Vlad Khazin
Vlad Khazin
April 19th 2019 at 10:07PM

I prefer CircleCI over Jenkins for the following reasons:

1. each repo has an isolated build container - no web of dependencies to manage

2. no ocean of plugins to configure - all what you need is the yaml file and, maybe, in a custom build image

3. decentralized execution of builds - no master/agents complexity

Senior Developer at Elegant Themes·
Shared insights

We use GitHub because it has never let us down. We also use CircleCI but have been considering using the new GitHub Actions feature instead in order to lower cost. We are still evaluating whether or not the reduced cost are actually worth it though.

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