Avatar of Maik Schröder

Maik Schröder

CIO at Instana

Hi Medeti,

you are right. Building based on your stack something with open source is heavy lifting. A lot of people I know start with such a set-up, but quickly run into frustration as they need to dedicated their best people to build a monitoring which is doing the job in a professional way.

As you are microservice focussed and are looking for 'low implementation and maintenance effort', you might want to have a look at INSTANA, which was built with modern tool stacks in mind. https://www.instana.com/apm-for-microservices/

We have a public sand-box available if you just want to have a look at the product once and of course also a free-trial: https://www.instana.com/getting-started-with-apm/

Let me know if you need anything on top.

8 upvotes·423.2K views

If you want to get deep insights and fast issue resolution have a look at INSTANA.

There is a public sandbox to get first insights and feeling for the tool. If you like it you can also run a free trial if you like.

Instana - Getting Started with APM (instana.com)
2 upvotes·2 comments·4.4K views
Gal Cohen
Gal Cohen
February 2nd 2021 at 7:47AM

We are running Python & Celery, our stack is based on AWS ECS. We are using NewRelic. This tool is just amazing, both for API and Offline workers. It would provide any metric I was looking for, including a profiler, SLA / SLO dashboards, infrastructure metrics. It has alerting capability that is easily integrated with Pingdom / PagerDuty / Webhooks.

Greg Smethells
Greg Smethells
September 19th 2020 at 8:29PM

Thanks, I’ll take a look.
